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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 852

Chapter 852 Lie Exposed

Rosalie frowned and stared at the little one for a while.

Nox was fine a moment ago, yet he suddenly had a stomachache and seemed to be in great pain.

Lucian noticed their mommy’s doubt and quickly thought of something. He quickly frowned and said, “Ithink we might have caught a cold last night while sleeping. I feel unwell too.”

Rosalie finally believed them. Then, she turned around and apologized to Xander. “Young MasterXander, I’m sorry. My kids are unwell, so I’ll have to take a look at them.”

Xander glanced at the little ones and smiled with understanding. “ The kids are more important. I canwait for a while. Feel free to tell me if you need any help.”

After all, Xander’s medical skill was as professional as Rosalie’s. Moreover, he had experience givingfree treatments to kids and knew how to treat them well.

Hearing this, the two little ones looked at each other and panicked.

They had almost forgotten that Uncle Xander was also a professional doctor.

If he examined them, it would expose their act. Their mommy might be angry if she found out.

Rosalie’s soft voice sounded when the little ones were hesitating, not knowing how to refuse. “It’s okay.I’m familiar with the physical conditions of the two of them. Please sit in the living room for a while, andI’ll come down after treating them, Young Master Xander.”

Xander nodded and sat on the sofa.

The little ones were relieved to see their mommy refuse Xander and obediently followed her upstairs.

Rosalie led the little ones into the bedroom while looking a little helpless.

Just after Xander suggested treating them, she saw the change in the little ones’ facial expressions andguessed they were probably lying.

However, she was still a little worried and asked the little ones to lie on the bed so that she could givethem a check-up.

“Point out to me the area you feel pain.” Rosalie stood beside Nox and looked at the little fellow withconcern.

Nox did not feel pain anywhere. However, since they had already deceived Mommy, he could onlyrandomly point to places. “All these areas hurt.”

He asked his mother, “Mommy, am I seriously ill?”

Rosalie looked at the areas the little one pointed to her and felt helpless.novelbin

If it really hurt in the areas that the little boy pointed, he might be already dead by now.

However, Rosalie could not expose their lie like this. The little ones might not learn their lesson and usethe same trick again in the future.

With this in mind, Rosalie put on a serious expression, grabbed the little one’s wrist, and diagnosedhim. Then, she pressed around his tummy as she asked him some questions about the symptoms.

Rosalie’s touch tickled Nox, but he had to bear it and tell her he felt pain everywhere.

When Rosalie saw Nox holding back his laughter, she stopped and let go of him with a serious look.

“Mommy…” Lucian cautiously called out to their mommy because he noticed their mommy’sexpression and thought she had seen through their lie.

Rosalie frowned and looked at the little one on the bed worriedly. “ It might be acute appendicitis. Youneed to undergo surgery as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid. I’ll send you to the hospital now.”

Then, Rosalie pretended as though she wanted to carry Nox.

When Nox heard he had to undergo surgery, his face turned pale.

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