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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 816

Chapter 816 Looked So Serious

Rosalie instinctively hesitated as she heard the little boys’ requests.

‘Making cakes with the kids would mean that I will inevitably be in close contact with Byron.’


Rosalie hesitantly raised her eyes and looked at the person opposite, but his face was indifferent, as ifhe did not care about this matter.

‘Since he reacted like this, it would be a little strange if I minded too much.’

Thinking of this, Rosalie smiled happily at the little ones, “okay.”

Seeing her answer, the kids turned and looked at Byron aside with anticipation.

Byron nodded noncommittally.

Seeing this, the little guys cheered with glee, “okay! Let’s make cakes together!”

As they hurried to make cakes, the little ones only had two bites of breakfast, and jumped off theirchairs anxiously, then stared eagerly at the two adults.

Although Rosalie agreed, she still felt awkward at the thought of getting close to the man, andsubconsciously tried to delay time.

Under the expectant eyes of the little ones, they could no longer sit still, and eventually got up andcleaned the table.novelbin

The space in the kitchen was small and could not accommodate so many people together. Hence,Rosalie thought about it for a while, and decided to put the baking battlefield on the dining table.

The three little kids helped her wash the dishes diligently, then stood around the table expectantly andwaited to start making cakes.

Rosalie took out the required ingredients and placed them on the dining table.

Estie began to command the two adults in a decent manner. ” Mommy and Daddy are responsible formaking the cake batter, three of US will spread the cream.”

Rosalie had no objection and started making the batter.

Byron did not know anything about the process of making cakes, so he stood aside with a frown, andwatched the woman get busy.

“Daddy, go and help Auntie!” Estie tugged at the hem of her Daddy’s clothes in dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Byron raised his eyebrows at the little guy and silently asked what he could do.

The little girl pondered for a moment, then pointed to the eggs in the bowl, indicating that he could helpbeat the eggs.

Byron nodded deeply, he stepped forward to reach out to help.

Rosalie was unaware about the interaction between the two behind her, and she happened to need anegg for her batter, when she reached for the egg, she ran into another big hand.

For a moment, both of their hands froze in place.

After a few seconds, Rosalie suddenly reacted. It was Byron’s hand. She retracted her hand like anelectric shock, and forced herself to calm down. “You go ahead.”

Byron was aware of the woman’s avoidance towards him. His eyes darkened, then he continued histask without saying a word. 2

Soon, all the required materials were mixed in the glass mixing bowl, then the only thing left was towhisk all of it.

Whisking to combine all ingredients took a little longer.

Rosalie whisked with the blender for a while, and her arm gradually became a little sore, so she sloweddown and wanted to rest for a while.

“Hand it to me.” A sharp and deep magnetic voice suddenly came from behind.

Rosalie could not help being stunned for a moment, but before she could react, the man had alreadytaken the mixer from her hand.

Rosalie had no choice but to let go and step back to watch the man busy.

Byron rolled up his sleeves, revealing a lean and strong forearm. His handsome eyebrows were slightlyfurrowed, lips were slightly pursed, because he had never done this, and he looked very focused.

As Rosalie watched the man’s appearance, she could not help it and felt a little dazed.

To be honest, this was the first time she saw Byron look so serious…

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