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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 789

Chapter 789 Are You Available?

Xander chuckled. “However, Heronial Corporation stated a condition when they agreed.”

Rosalie was confused, and she asked, “What condition?”

Subconsciously, she felt that it had something to do with her. Otherwise, Xander did not need to makethis call.

“The boss wants you to attend the signing ceremony as a way to promote their company,” Xander saidhelplessly.

He had only realized the reason for using Rosalie as a gimmick when others reminded him about thetrending rumor about Rosalie online.

Although the matter became a hot topic and dissipated soon, he could not deny that Rosalie wasfamous among the youngsters in Coast City.

It was either because of her appearance or purely because of her medical skills.

If Heronial Corporation claimed they were cooperating with Lancer Corporation and announced Rosaliewould attend the signing ceremony personally, they could attract the people’s attention. It would bringup their status in Coast City.

When Xander realized the reason, he felt it was a little ridiculous.

Even he, as the young master of the Lancer family, was nothing compared to Rosalie.

Hearing his words, Rosalie froze for a few seconds. After a moment, she agreed with a smile. “I’mhappy to attend as long as Heronial Corporation is willing to corporate with US.”

Xander remained silent for a moment. Then, he sounded apologetic when he spoke, “The incident thathappened last time was because of me, and I was not much of a help. I’m sorry.”

Rosalie was puzzled because she had no idea what incident he was talking about.

“Is President Lawrence the one who helped to stop the Hudson family?” Xander guessed.

When the Hudson family was in trouble, Hector visited Old Master Lancer personally, hoping oldMaster Lancer would help him to change Byron’s mind.

Old Master Hector only knew the truth behind the problem when Hector visited again.

Old Master Lancer admired Rosalie. When he knew Stacy had been pestering Rosalie when she wasdrunk and even made things difficult for Rosalie, he refused to help Hector and left.

Hector was embarrassed because of that.

Only then did Rosalie realize Xander was mentioning the rumors on the internet about her.

The Lancer family must have a good relationship with the Hudson family for Xander to know about thematter. So, Rosalie chose to be frank. “Yes. President Lawrence did help me a lot.”

Xander smiled. “Looks like President Lawrence treats you differently.”

Rosalie felt a strange emotion surging when she heard Xander’s words. She felt nervous and wasafraid Xander would say something weird.

Fortunately, Xander knew his limits and only said that. Noticing Rosalie did not answer, he chose toskip the topic and continued talking about the rumor.

“My grandfather asked me to apologize to you on his behalf.”

Rosalie did not understand why and asked, “Do you mean Grandpa Lancer?”

She wondered what that had to do with Grandpa Lancer.

Xander explained, “We fell into Stacy’s trap last time because my grandpa doesn’t know the truthbehind the issue. He agreed to help Hector. So, he regretted doing so after what happened.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Rosalie said with a smile, “Moreover, the matter is in the past. Stacy was the onewho did it. It has nothing to do with other people. This matter has ended when someone punishedStacy a long time ago.”

Then, Rosalie changed the topic calmly. “By the way, when is the signing ceremony with HeronialCorporation?”

Xander answered, “Tomorrow night. Are you available?” Rosalie agreed to attend.novelbin

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