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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 778

Chapter 778 Heartlessly Abandoned Such A Lovely Daughternovelbin

Rosalie was taken aback and went still for a moment just as he said.

She then reacted and struggled again.

In the next second, she was pressed under the man’s body.

“I already told you, yet you still moved.” Byron leaned up to her, his eyes narrowing dangerously. “If youmove again this time, I can’t guarantee what will happen.”

Looking at the man’s face in front of her, Rosalie felt nervous for a moment and wanted to put up a fightbut was worried about what Byron had just said.

Just when she was at a loss, there were abrupt movements from the children’s rooms.

Both of them inhaled.

Hearing the children’s footsteps getting closer to the door, Byron frowned sharply and let go of thewoman in his arms before sitting back up expressionlessly.

Rosalie was finally released from the man’s shackles, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, sheheard the children’s room door opening.

Thinking of the distance between Byron and herself now, Rosalie’s heart constricted again, she quicklygot up from the sofa and stood to the side.

The children’s door opened slowly in the next second. Nox came out of the room in a daze, stillmurmuring, “Mommy…”

The little boy was already ill and not feeling well. He could not even sleep peacefully. He woke up onhis own after sleeping for a bit and subconsciously looked for his mommy.

Hearing the boy’s soft voice, Rosalie glanced at the man on the sofa before she hurriedly went up togreet the little boy. ” Mommy’s here, what’s wrong?”

Nox went into Rosalie’s arms. Feeling the warmth of his mommy’s embrace, he felt drowsy again.

“Mommy, why are you here?” The little boy saw Byron’s figure on the sofa blearily and sensed thatsomething was wrong. He was so sleepy, however, and could not even open his eyes. Hence, he couldonly vaguely voice out this question.

Hearing the boy’s question, Rosalie could not help but recall what happened just now. Her body froze.“I came out to drink water…”

The little boy frowned suspiciously, still feeling that something was not right, but he was sleepy andcould not be bothered to think about it anymore, with his head tilted, he fell asleep in Rosalie’s arms. 1

Feeling his shoulders sink, Rosalie breathed a sigh of relief, she brought her hand up to caress theboy’s head before carrying him back into the room.

Lucian and Estie were sound asleep and had not been woken up by Nox at all.

Rosalie settled the boy back on the bed and covered the other two with the blanket.

She felt the children’s foreheads and found that their fevers had subsided. A hint of relief flashedthrough Rosalie’s eyes.

Looking at the children’s sleeping faces, the pressure the man induced in her just now graduallysubsided.

Seeing that it was getting late and it would be dawn in an hour, Rosalie simply stayed in the littlechildren’s rooms, looking over them.

If she were to go back to Lisa’s room, she would have to pass through the living room, she wouldinevitably encounter Byron again.

After what happened just now, Rosalie really did not really know how to face the man.

Thinking of this, Rosalie felt a weight in her heart.

On the bed, Estie suddenly turned over.

Rosalie was caught by the little girl’s movements and slowly came back to her senses thinking that thelittle girl was about to wake up.

In the next second, she heard the little girl murmur aggrievedly. ” Mommy…”

Hearing the little girl’s voice, Rosalie only felt her heart ache.

Based on what Byron said, the little girl did not seem to have had a mother ever since she was born.

She did not know just what kind of woman it was that she would actually cruelly abandon such a lovelydaughter…

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