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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 753

Chapter 753 Lancer Family Acquisition

On the other hand, after Byron left Rosalie’s home, he went back to the company and arrived on timefor the scheduled meeting.

After the meeting, Byron came out of the conference room when he saw Luther approach him from adistance. His face was flustered. “Master.”

Byron frowned slightly, “what’s wrong?”

Luther’s face was troubled. “There’s something wrong with the project we’re cooperating with QuirkeEnterprise on.”

Hearing this, his expression darkened, and he strode back to the office.

Luther silently followed behind his boss into the office, then turned around and closed the door.

“What’s wrong?” Byron asked in a deep voice.

Before that, their cooperation with Quirke Enterprise had been smooth.

Luther explained, “The pharmaceutical company in the northwest suddenly withdrew from thiscooperation and doesn’t intend to accept our acquisition conditions.”novelbin

Hearing this, Byron’s eyebrows suddenly twitched.

The acquisition of that pharmaceutical company was an extremely important part of the entire project.In order to make the acquisition successful, both Lawrence Corporation and Quirke Enterprise had putin a lot of effort. They even made concessions on the purchase price. After several negotiations, theparties finally agreed. The only thing left was to sign the agreement.

Now, that company suddenly broke the contract agreement.

“Why? Did the other party give a reason?” Byron asked with a deep frown.

The stress on Luther’s face became more and more obvious. “It’s because… the newly establishedresearch institute of the Lancer family has been in contact with that pharmaceutical company duringthis period. I don’t know what kind of conditions they offered.”

The Lancer family.

When Luther mentioned the Lancer family, Byron inevitably thought of Xander.

‘The scandal that the woman caused the last time hasn’t been completely clarified.

‘They just clarified the part about the validity of Rosalie’s medical skills, whereas no explanation wasgiven to the public about her relationship with Xander.

‘Right now, the Lancer family has reached out to my projects.’

Thinking of this, the storm around Byron’s heart grew.

“Master, are we going to raise the offer price?” Luther asked cautiously.

Byron then retracted his thoughts. He frowned for a moment, shook his head, got up, and walked to thefloor-to-ceiling window. “No, let’s wait and see what happens. Find a way to find out what conditions theLancer family offered to that company.”

Blindly compromising would only make matters with that company worse.

Luther agreed but suddenly thought of something. He said, “If you want to know the conditions theLancer family proposed, maybe I have a solution. But…”

Seeing his assistant hesitate, Byron looked back at him, puzzled. ” What solution?”

Luther carefully glanced at his employer before he dared to speak. ” I remember that Miss Jacobs hasalso joined the new project of the Lancer family. Perhaps she’ll know something about the acquisition ofthat company, so you can try asking her.”

Hearing this, Byron’s eyes darkened.

Indeed, the woman had joined the project established by the Lancer family research institute. She evenhad a close relationship with Xander.

However, that did not mean that he would use that woman for any purpose.

More so when it came to business.

Luther only saw his young master’s expression and knew what he was going to say. Without waiting forByron to speak, he took the initiative first, “Don’t worry, I’ll find out from other channels.”

Byron nodded noncommittally. “Do it as soon as possible.”

Luther respectfully agreed, turned around, and withdrew from the office.

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