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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 743

Chapter 743 I’m Going To Be Your Mommy

Byron frowned, already knowing what she was going to say. He waited for her to speak first.

“My stance is the same. Wendy is a girl. It’s not easy to wait for you for six years. No matter what, youcan’t let her down!” Melody looked serious.

She had said this so many times that when Byron heard it, he only felt a headache. He was not in themood to argue with his mother anymore.

Melody was still talking to herself, and he was just silent.

In the villa, Estie looked at the woman sitting on the sofa and timidly grabbed the hem of Mrs. Zora’sclothes, her face full of vigilance.

Wendy noticed the resistance shown by the little girl and felt slight displeasure, but she still pretendedto be kind. “Estie, look. I brought you a gift.”

After speaking, Wendy took out a doll from her bag.” Look, do you like it?”

The little girl shook her head without hesitation.

Til never like any gifts from Mean Auntie!’

Seeing the little girl shaking her head, Wendy’s face stiffened for a moment, but it quickly returned tonormal. “It’s okay if you don’t like it. I’ll take you shopping next time. We’ll buy whatever you like.”

Little Estie shrank behind Mrs. Zora in silence.

“Miss Fuller, Little Lady just came back from school. Maybe she’s a little tired. You sit in the living roomfor a while. I’ll take Little Lady back to the room to rest.”

Mrs. Zora grew up watching Little Estie, and she understood the little girl’s emotions. The housekeeperwas also aware of the little girl’s fear and immediately tried to protect her. She respectfully saidsomething to Wendy.

However, Wendy frowned. Til send Estie up. I just happen to have something to say to Estie.”

After speaking, Wendy got up and walked toward the little girl.

As Wendy approached, Estie tightened her hand around Mrs. Zora’s clothes. Her whole body was filledwith reluctance.

Mrs. Zora felt very distressed, but because of her identity, she could not say anything. She could onlywatch Wendy walk to their side and stretch out her hand toward the girl.

“Estie, come. I’ll take you up.” Wendy tried to show her kindest and most pleasant smile. She wantedthe little girl to change her attitude toward her.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Estie not only did not reach out but she also hid behind Mrs.Zora again.

Seeing this, Wendy’s eyebrows twitched imperceptibly. She squatted down patiently while suppressingthe anger in her heart. She looked into Estie’s eyes apologetically.

“I can understand that you don’t like me. It’s all my fault. I didn’t know how to get along with childrenbefore, and I wasn’t patient enough with you. I hope you can forgive me. Let’s learn to get along witheach other, okay?”novelbin

Estie pursed her lips and just shook her head.

Wendy secretly dug her nails into her palm to suppress the monstrous rage in her heart.

‘This shameless little b*tch! It seems that she forgot the lesson that I had taught her before!

‘If Mrs. Zora weren’t here now, I would definitely give this little b*tch a taste of my power!’

Children had always been sensitive to adults’ emotions. Although Wendy was trying her best tosuppress her rage, the little one seemed to have sensed it. She immediately went on high alert andgrabbed the hem of Mrs. Zora’s clothes.

Mrs. Zora sensed the little girl’s emotions, but she could only protect her subtly. She dared not sayanything.

“Be a good girl, okay, Estie? I’m going to be your mommy in the future. Don’t you want to get along wellwith Mommy?” Wendy bit the bullet and delivered the killer blow.

She thought the little girl would cooperate, but unexpectedly, the little one’s resistance became evenmore obvious!

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