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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 734

Chapter 734 A Quick Turnaround

That night, the Quirkes made a statement, saying that old Master Quirke’s chronic illness had beencured by Rosalie’s hands, and that Rosalie had been selected to participate in the Lancer family projectthrough his introduction.

The internet exploded the moment the statement was released.

For a while, half of the public opinion that had been one-sided during the day turned to support Rosaliebut some people still doubted her.

Rosalie saw the news before she went to bed and was moved.

She had also thought about going to old Master Quirke to diffuse the situation but she did not want todrag him through the mud.

Yet, she did not expect the Quirke’s to take the initiative to help her.

Although there were still people questioning her on the internet, the situation was much better than itwas during the day.

Rosalie did not want to disturb the old man’s rest, so she could only call Andrius.

On the other end, Andrius had just assigned a task to his family’s public relations team when he turnedaround to receive the call from Rosalie.

“I saw the Quirke’s statement. Thank you, Young Master Quirke for speaking out for me,” Rosaliethanked him gratefully.

Andrius smiled meaningfully. “Don’t just thank me. To be honest, I also took a lot of risks this time. If itwas just for your sake, I might not have come forward.”

Hearing this, Rosalie could not help but startled, thinking that Andrius’s tone now sounded similar towhen he was in the orphanage’s free clinic the last time.

At that time, she had mistook Byron’s kindness as Andrius’s and thanked him.

Could it be that this time…

“Did Byron look for you?” Rosalie made a guess and asked.

After she said that, she heard Andrius’s laughter. “Yes, I had planned to do this too, but Byron haddeliberately given me a call just now, so I decided to send this statement out overnight. So, if Dr.Jacobs would like to offer her gratitude, you should not be thanking me alone.”

Rosalie felt complicated for a while.

So, the phone call that Byron made on the balcony when she was preparing for dinner was to Andriusand its purpose had been to get him to come forward and help her out.

The man might have kept it from her if Andrius had not said it.novelbin

Thinking of this, Rosalie felt complicated.

“I will, thank you, Young Master Quirke. I will also thank him in person another day,” Rosalie shoved herthoughts away and answered in a low voice.

Andrius smiled and affirmed.

After hanging up the call, Rosalie subconsciously tapped out the chatbox with Byron. Her fingertipsswiped across the screen for a long time, but she still did not know what to say.

A long time passed and she still sent nothing in the end so she put away the phone.

Hudson Family.

Hector thought that his daughter had apologized to Rosalie and that Rosalie had forgiven her. Withthat, Byron would also let the Hudson family go and their crisis would be solved.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a whole day, their family’s situation was still the same as it was the pasttwo days. There were constant calls from partners requesting to cancel cooperations with them forvarious reasons.

Come evening, the situation took a turn for the worse. The partner who called them did not even comewith an excuse. They bluntly answered that it was the Lawrences who had put pressure on them tocancel their partnerships with the Hudson’s and of course, Hector did not dare say anything.

After hanging up the call, Hector finally realized that something had gone wrong and went upstairs toknock on Stacy’s door.

Inside the room, Stacy was looking at her phone, her expression ugly.

It had been but a day and the situation that she had so carefully planned had been so quickly turnedaround!

Even the Quirkes had come forward for that Jacobs woman!

Just what was so amazing about her!

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