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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 694

Chapter 694 Indulge Me And Have A Meal With Me

With a breakthrough in the treatment, the atmosphere in the ward suddenly relaxed.

The little one also saw that he would recover quickly and thanked Rosalie with a smile, “Thank you…Auntie.”

Hearing the boy’s weak voice, the smile on Rosalie’s face became a little heavy. “Don’t mention it. Thisis what I should do. Besides, it must be harder to be sick, right?”

The little boy nodded shyly, his little face still a little nervous.

Apart from the director and the other orphans, it was the first time that someone cared so much abouthim.

What more such a beautiful lady?

She reminded him of his mother.

Rosalie patted the little boy’s head soothingly. “I’ve prescribed you some medicine. You have to takethem to get better soon. However, after you leave the hospital, you must eat well. Even if you don’t feellike it, you have to force yourself to eat. otherwise, you’ll feel sick like this in the future, do youunderstand?”

The little boy nodded obediently.

Seeing that the little boy agreed, Rosalie smiled with relief and felt a lot more relaxed.

At the side, Xander was moved as he saw Rosalie so patiently comfort the little boy.

After a while, the director came back with the medicines and thanked the two again.

Rosalie had a light smile on her face. “This is what we should do. It’s really hard for you to take care ofso many children in the orphanage.”

After speaking, Rosalie took out a pile of cash from her wallet. “I was in a hurry today, and I don’t havemuch with me. with this money, please buy some meat, eggs, and milk for Pippin to supplement hisbasic nutrition. If you need anything in the orphanage, you can always contact me.”

The director frowned. “You’ve done so much for the children. How can I take your money? I should bethe one thanking you!”

Rosalie shoved the money into his hands without hesitation. “I’m the mother of two children. I can’tstand to see children suffering. Please accept this. Consider this a way to satisfy my overflowingmaternal love.”

The director wanted to say something else, but Rosalie did not give him a chance to refute it andinstead turned the topic to Pippin’s medication.

Seeing that she brought up the business, the director had to silently accept the money.

Rosalie briefly instructed the director about Pippin’s medication, and after a few words with Pippin, shegot up and said goodbye.novelbin

Xander left with her.

After coming out of the ward, Rosalie gratefully looked at Xander who was beside her. “Thank you,Young Master Xander. If you hadn’t reminded me, I might have needed to take extra time to readjustPippin’s prescription.”

Xander raised his eyebrows noncommittally. “This is what I should do too.”

Rosalie pursed her lips and smiled.

“But…” Xander suddenly said.

Hearing that, Rosalie’s heart tightened slightly, and she met his gaze in confusion. “What’s wrong? Isthere any problem with Pippin?”

Xander shook his head inexplicably. “I just want to say that although this is what I should do, I can’tstop you from expressing your gratitude, Miss Jacobs. But just a verbal thank you may not be sincereenough.”

Rosalie frowned for a few seconds. This sounded a bit familiar.

However, she could not recall where she had heard this before.

Even so, Xander’s words have already come to this point, and she should say something in return.

Rosalie extended her invitation bluntly. “Young Master Xander, you’re right. I should’ve thought aboutthis. Well, it’s already past noon. I wonder if you would have some time to indulge me and enjoy a mealwith me?”

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