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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 690

Chapter 690 Do You Know That Uncle

The boys were used to life where Rosalie would leave early and return late ever since they wereyoung. They were also very capable of taking care of themselves.

After discussing Xander for a while, they washed up quickly and then warmed up some milk and breadfor themselves for breakfast.

The doorbell abruptly rang just as they were done eating.

The boys looked at each other vigilantly. They switched on the videophone and took a look, only to seeEstie waving at them through the camera sweetly.

Seeing her, smiles appeared on the boys’ faces as well and they hurriedly opened the door for Estie.

Byron was standing at the door, dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He was holding Estie’s hand.

Seeing the man that they had been discussing just now, Nox could not help but feel a little guilty as hestood there awkwardly.

Fortunately, Lucian was calm and politely greeted, “Uncle Byron, you’re early, Estie too.”

“Morning, Lu, No!” Estie was in a good mood seeing the two brothers early in the morning. The smileon her face was also very bright.

After greeting one another, she looked inside the room expectantly, trying to locate Rosalie’s shadow.

However, she did not seem to see her after a long time.

The little girl pulled her daddy’s big hand anxiously.

Byron understood her. His gaze swept past the boys and scanned the room, but he did not seeRosalie’s shadow either.

Seeing this, Byron frowned with confusion. “Where’s your mommy?”

It made sense to think that the woman should already be ready to send the boys to school, but now,there was not even a trace of her figure.

Hearing his question, the two boys looked at each other a little guiltily. Thinking of what they had beendiscussing before, they hesitated to tell their daddy that mommy had been picked up by anotherhandsome uncle.

Byron noticed the boys’ hesitation and his heart sank slightly. ” What’s wrong? Is she unwell?”

He thought about how Rosalie might not have gotten up because she had fallen sick after gettingdrenched in water last night.

That said, Byron led Estie into the house. He wanted to go upstairs to check the woman’s condition.

Seeing that their daddy had misunderstood, the two boys hurriedly said, “No, mommy…she’s goneout.”

Hearing this, Byron stopped and looked back with a frown, “What did she go out for? Isn’t shepreparing to send you two to school?”

The boys hesitated again.

“Mommy was picked up by an uncle.” Nox could not help but say it out. He looked away guiltily rightafter he said that.

Hearing this, Byron’s brows furrowed tighter and tighter and the figures of Leon and Xander appearedrepeatedly in his mind.

At this time, these two were the only people who could take the woman away.

Thinking of the relationship between those two individuals and Rosalie, Byron’s expression darkened,and his tone involuntarily became serious. “Which uncle? Do you know him?”

This tone was the same as when he lectured Estie yesterday.

Nox was frightened by him and gave a start. He was about to reveal everything when he was suddenlypoked by his brother.novelbin

The little boy suddenly came back to his senses and with a guilty conscience, he put his hands behindhis back and frowned, pretending to recall seriously. “Uh, I don’t know him…”

It was better he had not said anything with that.

Byron frowned and asked them in a different manner. “Then do you know why he came to pick up yourmommy?”

“Mommy said that a child is sick and that she needed to go pay a visit,” Lucian hurriedly replied beforehis brother could leak anymore.

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