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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 688

Chapter 688 Please Come Over And Have A Look

Rosalie knew nothing about what Wendy and her mother were thinking.

After playing with the children the entire day, and spending a lot of time dealing with Byron, Rosaliepractically fell asleep the moment she laid down.

The next morning, she was woken up by the phone ringing.

Rosalie opened her eyes in a daze and answered the phone without looking at who was calling.

“Miss Jacobs, are you up? There may be something I need to trouble you to come over for.”

Xander’s voice rang out the moment the call connected.

Hearing Xander’s voice, Rosalie abruptly sobered up before asking him with a frown, “whathappened?”

She did not interact with Xander much on a personal level. Hence, all Rosalie could think of that wouldmake Xander come looking for her was the partnership, otherwise, it was also a medical matter.

The matters that were related to these two were not trivial ones.

On the other end, Xander said in a deep voice, “Do you remember the little boy named Pippin from thelast free clinic?”

Rosalie’s expression became more solemn. “I do, what happened to him?”

Lucius had frightened the little boy during the last free clinic that his heart palpitated to the point of himlosing consciousness. It was only through Rosalie’s hand that he woke up.

Rosalie’s impression of the kid was also particularly deep.

“The orphanage just contacted me. They do not know what happened with the child, but he suddenlydeveloped a high fever and has been sent to the hospital. I thought that since you handled his conditionthe last time, you should know something about his situation. Hence, if you have time, can you comeand take a look?”

Xander asked her politely.

Hearing that the child was sick, Rosalie agreed without hesitation. ” Alright, which hospital is he at? I’llhead over right away.”

Xander replied, “I’m going there too. I happen to be near your house. Pack up for a bit and I’ll drop byto pick you up.”

Hearing this, Rosalie hesitated for a moment, but considering the issue with time, she agreed in theend.

Hanging up the call, Rosalie dared not dally. She quickly got up, washed up and changed her clotheshastily before heading downstairs.novelbin

The two boys were awoken by the sound of Rosalie’s door closing. They saw their mommy hurryingdownstairs the moment they came out and quickly followed her. “Mommy, where are you going? II

Only then did Rosalie think of the two boys. She turned around and patted their heads, explaining,“There is a child from an orphanage who is sick. Mommy is going over to have a look, about thekindergarten… I likely won’t have time to send you guys there, so you two can just ask for a day off.”

Hearing that a child was sick, the boys were filled with worry and nodded without hesitation. They didnot forget to urge their mommy, “Mommy must work hard to cure the child!”

Rosalie smiled and nodded.

Just as she bid her boys goodbye, a honk came from outside the door.

Thinking of it, Xander had likely arrived.

Rosalie got up and went out. The boys also followed her to the door.

At the door of the villa, Xander had just gotten out of the car and was about to knock on the door whenhe saw Rosalie and the boys coming out of the door.

Seeing the two boys behind Rosalie, Xander could not help but be stunned for a moment. He knew thatRosalie had two children, but it was his first time seeing them.

The two boys looked like they had just woken up and were still a little bleary. It did not hide theirelegance, however. They followed behind Rosalie obediently, when they saw him, the boys wereobviously a little confused, but they still bowed politely.

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