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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 634

Chapter 634 The Future Is Promising

Xander’s speech brought the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax.

For a moment, everyone’s attention was on him.

Several doctors who were not with Xander the last time had heard about the Lancer family’s heir andknew that Xander was outstanding in both talent and bearing.

However, many of the people present were much older than him. There were still some who were notsatisfied with having such a young man preside over the banquet. They were only here just to obligethe Lancer family.

After Xander’s speech, everyone had let go of their prejudice.

The crowd became increasingly curious about the two young people beside Xander.

Xander did not seem to be someone who arranged seats based on relationship, so these two youngpeople…

“Also, it was my negligence just now, but please allow me to introduce these two people beside meagain.”

Just when everyone was puzzled, Xander’s voice sounded again.

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes returned to Rosalie and Leon.novelbin

The two looked at Xander in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do.

Xander smiled at the two of them and raised his eyes to look at everyone.

“Everyone here participated in the projects initiated by the Lancer family’s research institute in theirown name. The lady next to me, Rosalie Jacobs, or Dr. Jacobs, is the proud disciple of old MasterProfessor Quentin Luke. Under his advice, she returned to Somerland and managed Virus ResearchInstitute. She’s also one of the few institute partners to cooperate with the Lancer family.”

After speaking, Xander introduced Leon to everyone.

“This gentleman is Leon Martin, Dr. Martin. I’m sure you all have heard of him. As the young master ofthe Martin family, he has made a lot of achievements in the medical field and is well-knowninternationally. His participation this time will also bring US the Martin family’s investments.”

Xander’s voice rang, and the eyes of everyone looking at Rosalie and Leon changed instantly. Theychanged from the initial doubt to full of shock and appreciation.

Not many people had heard of the name Rosalie, but Professor Quentin Luke could be regarded as alegend.

As a student of Professor Luke, she was even instructed by the professor to independently manage aresearch institute, which showed that he valued her highly.

It was also enough to show her capabilities.

As for Leon, everyone had already heard of him, but they never had the chance to see him.

No one would have imagined that these two young people, who looked like heirs of big families, wouldbe hiding such deep strengths.

No wonder even Dr. Rand had to ask that woman for advice just now.

Rosalie and Leon did not mean to be proud at all. Facing many seniors, their attitudes were stillhumble.

After Xander’s introduction, the two politely got up and bowed to everyone. “We hope to cooperatehappily in the future. If there are any grievances, please guide US by pointing them out in time.”

Everyone sighed pleasantly as they witnessed their excellent display of humbleness and gratitude.

“In the last free clinic, I was fortunate enough to work with the three of them. I can tell you, from them, Ican see that the future of the holistic medicine field is promising!”

Among the people present, Dr. Rand spent the most time with the three of them. He knew theirstrengths, so he could not help but stand up to speak for them. His words were full of appreciation.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Dr. Jacobs, Dr. Martin, my apologies for being a little rude just now. I hope you two won’t mind.”Someone smiled apologetically.

Rosalie and Leon smiled indifferently. “We’re young. It’s normal for our seniors to have doubts. Don’tworry, we won’t take it to heart.”

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