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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 611

Chapter 611 Returned The Flowers Again

Meanwhile, Lisa entered the living room after returning the flowers. She saw Rosalie sitting on the sofa,going through the documents. She hesitated to say what was on her mind.

“Have you returned the flowers?” Rosalie heard noises from the door and turned around.

Lisa nodded. “I’ve given them to the staff from the flower shop to return them.”

Rosalie did not ask more after getting the answer she needed, she continued reading the documents.

Yves had been handling all the matters in the research institute when Rosalie was away. However,Rosalie’s participation was needed to cooperate with the Lancer family.

Rosalie also placed great importance on that matter, she had been busy reading documents even whilerecuperating at home.

Fortunately, Xander knew about her injury. Hence, he kept the progress slow to wait for her to recover.

Rosalie felt bad and decided to do some research to get a clear picture of the project so that she couldget started soon after returning to work.

While Rosalie read the documents intently, Lisa spoke, “Miss Jacobs, don’t you think it’s a little cruel…to return the flowers?”

Returning the flowers untouched would make anyone feel humiliated.novelbin

It would be worse to do that to someone snobbish like Byron.

Moreover, what Byron said that morning changed Lisa’s mind a little about him. She had observedByron and felt Byron might be sincere about his feelings for Rosalie.

Rosalie’s forehead creased when she heard Lisa’s question, she looked away from the screen and saidindifferently, “I can’t possibly date him. That’s why I returned the flowers. Isn’t that what I should do if Iwant to reject someone?”

Lisa wanted to say more to change Rosalie’s mind.

Rosalie saw through Lisa’s intentions. She forced a smile and said, “Leave this matter aside. I’vedecided not to accept anything he gives me.”

Then, she looked back at the screen. Her fingers typed on the keyboard swiftly. She obviously did notwant to continue the topic.

Seeing Rosalie focusing on her work, Lisa decided to keep her thoughts to herself after briefconsideration, she could only sigh and walk back into the kitchen.

After Lisa left, Rosalie gradually slowed down her typing speed.

Due to what Lisa said, Rosalie was a little absent-minded while studying the documents.

From the first time she met Byron after returning to her home country, she could vaguely feel thatByron’s attitude toward her was different from that of six years ago.

As for why he changed, Rosalie had refused to think about it. she was afraid to ponder the meaningbehind it.

However, she could not help thinking about his change of attitude after receiving flowers for two days ina row.

After all, Rosalie had never seen Byron send Wendy flowers, even when he told Rosalie how much heloved Wendy six years ago.

Byron was never the romantic type.

However, Byron had done something for her that he would never do for Wendy.

She got the flowers again even after she returned them yesterday.

Rosalie recalled her shocked feelings when she saw the flowers that morning.

There were no cards in the bouquet or any evidence that it was from Byron.

However, the first person that emerged in her mind was Byron when she saw the flowers. Hence, shesubconsciously asked Lisa to return them.

Rosalie hoped Byron could understand her intention and keep a distance from her.

All she wanted now was to cooperate with the Lancer family and improve herself in the field of holisticmedicine.

To Rosalie, Byron’s act would only disrupt her peaceful life.

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