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Chapter 540

Chapter 540 Experience A Mermaid

To the side, Rosalie had also heard Nox’s scream. When she turned around, it was already too late asthe boy had already hidden behind Byron.

She noticed the smile on the man’s face.

Seeing how both of them looked, Rosalie’s eyes filled with complicated emotions.

Although she has done a lot for the children, there was a sense of security that only a father could give.

The children were not aware of what she was thinking when they happily pulled her to go watch thefish.

Suddenly, a mermaid swam down slowly from above and waved to them through the glass.

The children looked straight at Rosalie and asked, ” Mommy, is she real?”

Rosalie was amused by the children’s innocence and touched their heads. “Of course, it’s someonepretending to be one, but she still looks very good.”

“Can Mommy also be a mermaid, then?” Nox looked at Rosalie expectantly.

Hearing this, Rosalie was stunned for a moment before she explained with a smile. “I could, but it’slikely a paid program.”

When the children heard her say that she could, they stared at her eagerly as if she would agree to gointo the water just like that.

Rosalie could not help but feel a little remorseful when she met the children’s gazes. If it were just herand the children, she would go into the water once for the children with no issues.

However, Byron was here.

Although Byron had hardly said anything along the way, she still could not ignore the man’s existence.

Rosalie felt awkward when she thought about pretending to be a mermaid in front of him.

“Auntie…” Estie tugged at her sleeve carefully, her face full of anticipation.

The mermaid she saw just now was not as pretty as her auntie who was so beautiful. If Auntie dressedup as a mermaid, she would definitely be more beautiful! Rosalie’s face was filled with embarrassment.

Lucian and Nox were also looking at their mommy expectantly, completely unaware of Rosalie’sworries.

Just when Rosalie was hesitating, a staff member walked toward them.

“Miss, we’re holding an event to invite guests to dress up like a mermaid for free. Seeing how beautifulyou are, I wonder if you’d be interested in taking part?

Hearing this, the children’s eyes brightened.

Sensing the children’s gazes, Rosalie could not say anything to refuse.

Byron stepped forward from the side. “Go, I’ll watch over them.”It was as if she had already agreed.

The staff member heard Byron say this and after not getting a response from Rosalie, they just took itas though she had acquiesced. She half-pushed Rosalie to the changing room.

Rosalie was still a little hesitant, but since she was already here, she could only cooperate with the staffand change her clothes. With the staff’s guidance, she slowly went into the water.

The children stayed beside Byron obediently as they looked up expectantly.novelbin

After a while, they saw Rosalie wearing a silver-blue fishtail slowly swimming toward them. When thegleaming white light hit her, it made her look like a mysterious mermaid from the deep sea.

Seeing Rosalie appear, the children approached the glass excitedly.

Rosalie smiled and waved to them.

Byron stood behind the children. Seeing the woman swimming inside, his eyes darkened.

The tourists to the side only thought that Rosalie was a staff member and were all amazed when theysaw such a beautiful mermaid.

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