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Chapter 472 Cannot Forgive

Chapter 472 Cannot Forgive

When Rosalie was giving the little boy acupuncture, news of what happened had already spread to theothers.

Many doctors heard that Rosalie had actually challenged Lucius and were curious about her. whenthey heard that she knew other acupoints for pain relief, they put down their work and came over.

They saw Rosalie carrying out acupuncture the moment they came in. Although everyone had doubtsabout Rosalie’s medical skills because of her appearance, they also knew that she should not bedisturbed when she was giving acupuncture treatment. Hence, they stood at the door silently andwatched.

Seeing Rosalie’s acupuncture actually work, they were all amazed.

They had never heard of this acupuncture method before.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the acupuncture method that Rosalie used wasmore dated compared to theirs. They wondered where she learned it from.

Hearing Xander praise Rosalie, everyone could not help but applaud.

Hearing the sudden applause, Rosalie could not help but be taken aback for a moment. She thenlooked back, only to see that there were already quite a few doctors standing at the door. All of themseemed to be much more experienced than her.

Seeing this, Rosalie could not help but feel a little at a loss.

“Is she Dr. Luke’s student? No wonder her medical skills are so good. We learned something today.”

“Dr. Jacobs, you can talk to US more if you have time in the future. We noticed that your acupuncturetechniques are very unique.”

Everyone began speaking one after another, and their attitudes had switched from the initial suspicionto admiration.

Hearing everyone’s compliments, Rosalie pursed her lips humbly and smiled. “Thank you for yourflattery, but I still have a lot to learn. I hope the seniors can give me more advice.”

When she was lining up at the gate of the orphanage just now, many people here had given herstrange looks.

Rosalie just wanted to do her her job well and did not think about showing off in front of them.

However, she did not expect such a thing to happen that would change everyone’s view of her.

Seeing this young and beautiful woman with such a high level of medical skills as well as a humbleattitude, everyone looked at her with even more admiration.

The atmosphere in the room became very harmonious.novelbin

Lucius stood to the side with an ugly expression. He looked a little out of place.

Suddenly, someone switched the topic to Lucius. “Dr. Rand, you were so impulsive just now. Shouldn’tyou apologize to Dr. Jacobs and the child?”

All of a sudden, everyone’s gaze fell on Lucius.

It was true that Lucius was considered to be at the top among the middle generation of holisticmedicine practitioners in the country, but he was also famous for being arrogant.

Some people present were already dissatisfied with him and were now seizing the opportunity tochallenge him.

Noticing the strange gazes surrounding him, Lucius’ entire body seemed to be on fire. With anunsightly expression, he turned his head stiffly to look at Rosalie.

He admitted that what he did just now was slightly inappropriate, but to be asked to apologize to ayoung doctor whose qualifications were far inferior to his in front of so many people, Lucius wasbeyond ashamed.

Sensing Lucius’ gaze, Rosalie was hesitant deep down and did not say a word in the end.

She only wanted to complete this free clinic well.

Considering the objective of the Lancer family’s free clinic and her purpose in participating in this freeclinic, Rosalie did not want any unpleasantness to unfold here.

She did not plan to take Lucius’ challenges against her to heart.

However, someone brought it up just now, and Rosalie could not help but think of how Lucius almostparalyzed the little boy for life just now because of his own emotions.

She did not really care, but she could not offer forgiveness on behalf of the little boy.

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