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Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Wendy Fuller Has Their Backs Hearing Rosalie‘s words, Andrius and his sister‘s expressions instantlychanged.

“What nonsense are you saying?”

Andrea glared at Rosalie angrily. “Can you treat him? If you can‘t, just say so! Don‘t curse my grandpahere!”

Rosalie looked at her coldly. “I‘m already being very courteous. Because your grandfather didn‘t gettreatment in time, all his bodily functions have begun to deteriorate now. His immune system has alsorapidly weakened. “It‘s reasonable to say that the patient should have been taken care of promptly, butthe medical team you invited disregarded the patient‘s physical condition and wantonly gave him drugs.You‘re not treating his condition at all, you‘re burning his lifespan!” The chief attending doctor of themedical team felt unhappy at that moment. He came forward and stood next to them. Looking atRosalie, he had some righteous words to offer. “Miss, please refrain from making rash judgments if youdon‘t understand the situation. Old Master Quirke‘s condition was very serious before this. If it weren‘tfor our timely administration of medication, the old master‘s body wouldn‘t even be able to survive tillnow! Please do not

question our expertise! Besides, Miss Fuller was the one who invited us. Why would we harm the oldmaster?”

Rosalie keenly caught his employer from his words. Miss Fuller, Wendy Fuller?

This medical team was actually invited by Wendy Fuller. She wondered where Wendy had found allthese people because they all sure had their own speciosity and were very confident of themselves.Did they think that she would be afraid just because Wendy was backing them? novelbin

Rosalie‘s expression chilled as she immediately shot back, “Expertise? With all due respect, I reallydon‘t see any expertise from your team. If you all had even the slightest expertise, your patientshouldn‘t be like this with your treatment!” The doctor choked and frowned. Thinking of Old MasterQuirke‘s appearance now, he could not say a word.

Andrea noted that the attending doctor had admitted defeat. Expression changing slightly, she cameforward and said, “You talk big. In that case, are you so sure that you can cure my grandpa? If not, canyou please not speak nonsense here? “Wendy has introduced so many good doctors over the years inthe interest of my grandfather‘s health, and Byron has labored even more. Are their efforts up till nowuseless to you?”

Rosalie frowned slightly and glanced at the man next to her subconsciously. Seeing his expressionlessface, she immediately withdrew her gaze and said without changing her expression, “I‘m just statingfacts. It isn‘t up to me whether or not they‘re futile. The fact remains in front of us, and everyone shouldhave no illusions about it.”

“You!” Andrea did not expect Rosalie to be so sharp–tongued and was so mad that she wanted tocontinue arguing. At one side, Andrius saw the two suddenly at gunpoint. He frowned and glanced athis sister. Andrea reluctantly closed her mouth when she met his gaze.

“Dr. Jacobs, I apologize for my sister. I don‘t care about the previous treatments now. I just want toknow whether you’re confident. If you are, please start treatment as soon as possible. Is that alright?After all, you said that my grandfather‘s current situation can‘t be delayed any longer.”

Andrius turned to look at Rosalie earnestly after schooling his sister. To the side, Andrea wasenigmatical. “That‘s right. Aren‘t you so capable? Can we trouble you to hurry up with treatment, then?I‘m actually very curious about your ability.” Rosalie pretended to not have heard her provocation. She

turned back to the sickbed and said to them, “I‘m going to start treatment now. Please help me removethe old master‘s clothes.“

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