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Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Conference Byron’s gaze darkened, and he was about to continue when a phone ringtone interruptedthe strange atmosphere between them. Rosalie coolly looked away from him and took her phone out ofher bag, glancing at the caller

Leon’s name was displayed clearly on the screen. She secretly heaved a sigh of relief. The call cameright on time for her. After giving him a curt nod, Rosalie answered the call and headed toward her car.

This time, Byron did not try to stop her again.

As she walked past him, Rosalie finally felt her heart settle back in her chest.

Byron watched her leave, thinking back to the name he saw on her phone.

If he remembered correctly, Leon had invited her out for a meal together not too long ago. Theyseemed to have had fun. Judging by his name in her contact list, they were even on a first-name basis.They had to be even closer than he imagined. Byron’s expression gradually darkened at the thought.

“Is something the matter, Leon?” The two of them exchanged some greetings after the call wentthrough. Rosalie only asked him for the reason behind his call when she reached her car.

On the other end, Leon said with a laugh, “I’m a little hurt. Are you implying that I can’t call you unlesssomething is up?” novelbin

Rosalie was a lot more relaxed now that Byron was not there, so she replied with a chuckle, “of courseyou can, but most people won’t call someone this early in the morning just to chat.” Besides, Leonknew what her daily schedule was like. He should know that she was either dropping off the kids or onthe way to work right now.

There was no reason for him to suddenly call her now.

Leon stopped beating around the bush, saying seriously, “I called because I wanted to ask if I couldmeet you today. I have something to give you. Is noon today alright?” Rosalie thought it over. “Howabout lunchtime? If it’s alright with you, could we meet near the research institute?”

Leon readily agreed

After she hung up, Rosalie thought about the thing Leon said he wanted to give her. She was a littleperplexed.

What could it be? He made it sound so mysterious.

Upon finishing her work in the morning, Rosalie headed out of the experimental area and immediatelyreceived Leon’s directions to go to a cafe near the institute. She quickly packed her things and headedover to his location. By the time she reached the cafe, Leon had already found a seat and was waitingfor her. Rosalie took a seat opposite him. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Leon gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m used to it by now. You’ve been busy all morning, so you’reprobably hungry by now. That’s why I already ordered some items, I hope they’re to your liking.”

He gestured at the waiter to serve up the food.

Once the food was served, they chatted as they ate.

“So what’s the thing you said you wanted to give me?” Rosalie was definitely starving, so she focusedon eating for a bit while Leon talked her ear off. After a while, she looked up and got to the main point.

Leon offered her an invitation with a smile. “There’s going to be a conference in North City, and a lot ofmedical heavyweights will be there. I thought you might be interested, so I got you an extra invitation.”

Rosalie’s eyes lit up slightly. If Leon called them heavyweights, they had to be at least as good as herteacher, Quentin She would love a chance to meet and interact with them!

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