My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 1742 No Issue With The Vitals
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Chapter 1742 No Issue With The Vitals

"Mr. Lancer, what should we do now?"

The assistant was already deathly terrified. He realized early on that this was Byron's means ofrevenge against Lancer Corporation.

Xander was also flustered. That question riled him up again.

After he blew up at the assistant, he panted and said, "Notify the old man immediately. The old man isthe backbone of the Lancer family. With the old man coming forward, maybe the situation would not beso ugly."

The assistant agreed.

Xander said again, "Also, we must transfer the company's funds as soon as possible. Hurry up andretain as many funds as possible!"

He had a hunch that Byron’s retributions were not that simple!

The assistant agreed. "I'll do it now!"novelbin

With that, he turned to leave.

The more Xander thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Then he said, "Forget it, I'll go with you!"

He asked the nurse to bandage the wound hastily. Then, he got up and wanted to leave.

However, he felt himself collapse as soon as he stood up. He was unable to exert any strength at all.He could not lift his legs no matter what.

In the next second, his consciousness blurred, and his body fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Mr. Lancer! Are you okay?"

The assistant heard the commotion, glanced back, and hurried over.

The assistant's eyes flickered with hesitation as he watched the unconscious person on the ground.

‘Byron would never let Lancer Corporation go. I would be dragged through the mud too if I continue tobe associated with the Lancer family.’

For a moment, the assistant thought of running away.

Then, he thought, ‘To Byron, I had long been a member of the Lancer Corporation who helped thetyrant, even if I did run away, Byron would never let me go.’

Realizing this, the assistant turned his head and reminded the nurse. "Hurry up and help him!"

The nurse was also taken aback. She came back to her senses, quickly called for a stretcher, andpushed the man into the emergency room with her colleagues.

Andrius, too, learned that Lancer’s warehouses were sealed by authorities. He just felt relieved.

"By now, that lowlife Xander must’ve regretted being born!"

The two stood in the corridor. Byron ignored him and just looked longingly at the little woman in theward.

Rosalie had already sat up. She looked better compared to her pale face in the afternoon, but she stillseemed a little weak.

Mary and Linda were taking care of her. The three little ones had stopped crying and were happilytalking to Rosalie.

The atmosphere in the ward was warm and joyful.

After receiving the news, the experts came to check on Rosalie and happened to meet the two at thedoor. They slowed down instinctively and greeted Byron cautiously.

Byron nodded slightly. "Don't tell her I'm outside."

The experts agreed and quickly walked in to check on Rosalie's vitals.

The experts were shocked to see Rosalie awake and gave her a full body examination in disbelief.

After the inspection, their gaze upon Rosalie turned from shock to admiration.

"How is it?" Rosalie asked, puzzled by their strange expressions.

The experts came back to their senses and explained. "There’s no issue with your vitals and theprevious arteriosclerosis had also improved. As long as you rest for a while, everything will return to itsoriginal state."

The three little ones cheered happily when they heard this.

Rosalie smiled and patted their heads.

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