My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 1704 Accompany You Guys
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Chapter 1704 Accompany You Guys

The car pulled over at the hospital.

Luther got out of the car and wanted to carry the little ones down. However, they had already gotten outof the car and were staring at him, waiting for him to take them to their mommy.novelbin

Looking at the little ones’ anxious expressions, Luther sighed and felt bad. He touched the kids’ heads,trying to comfort them. “Let’s go upstairs.”

The little ones nodded obediently and followed him.

When they were in the elevator, Luther texted Byron.

Byron was already waiting for them when the elevator door opened on the top floor.


The kids ran out of the elevator excitedly when they saw their daddy and hugged him.

Byron touched the little ones’ heads and nodded at Luther. “Thank you. Have a day off tomorrow.”

Luther nodded and closed the elevator door. He left the family of five alone.

“Daddy, where’s Mommy?”

Luther tugged Byron’s shirt anxiously and urged.

Byron looked at them and said, “In the ward.”

Then, he took the kids to Rosalie.

The children followed behind him.

Tears rolled down the kids’ cheeks when they were in the ward and saw their mommy on the bed.

“Mommy, what happened to you? We were so worried.”

Daddy and Mommy had not been at home these two days, and their mommy did not answer their calls.The kids had been obedient, yet they were worried deep down.

They could bear it no more when they saw the pale Rosalie.

Rosalie did not expect the kids to react like this and felt sorry to see this. She sat up and wanted to getoff the bed.

Her children stopped her by dashing to the bed as they said, “Mommy, lie down quickly.”

Rosalie wiped off their tears and said, “Stop crying. Mommy is fine. It’s just that I’ve been busy thesetwo days and caught a fever. I’ll be fine again after resting for two days.”

Then, she smiled and said, “Look! Mommy is fine.”

Estelle sobbed and said, “But… Mommy, you look pale…”

It was just like when she was unconscious the last time.

The little girl recalled what happened the last time and was afraid. She held Rosalie’s sleeve tight,unwilling to let go.

Rosalie felt bad, and tears shimmered in her eyes. “Mommy is fine. Have you forgotten that I’m a greatdoctor? I can treat any illness, not to mention fever.”

She grabbed the little ones’ hands and touched her forehead. “Here. The fever has subsided.”

The kids touched her forehead and nodded as they sobbed.

Rosalie smiled and comforted them, saying, “Why don’t you guys go back home obediently? I’ll returnhome in two days after a good rest.”

Nox shook his head. “We want to accompany Mommy here!”

Estelle nodded. “Estie wants to take care of Mommy!”

Lucian sobbed and said nothing as he looked at Rosalie.

Rosalie stroked the kids’ heads one after another. “No. Mommy has just recovered from a fever, and itmight be contagious. I don’t have the strength to treat you all if you fall ill.”

The little ones pouted their lips stubbornly and stared at her, wanting to be by her side.

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