My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 1691 Is This Antidote Real?
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Chapter 1691 Is This Antidote Real?

“No! You’ve misunderstood!”

Chloe quickly explained herself.

Mary smiled wryly as she looked at Chloe. “If it were not for that, why would Xander hand in theantidote? It’s okay. I don’t blame you for it. If this is the only way to rescue Rosie, we have no choice.It’s just that I feel sorry for her.”

Her best friend was poisoned and suffered the pain, yet when she regained consciousness, she had tobear losing the man she loved.

Chloe looked at Mary’s sad face and anxiously wanted to explain. However, she did not know if sheshould tell Mary the truth. She could only look at Byron, wanting his permission to speak.

Byron, on the other hand, explained on her behalf.

“This is only a trick we used to deceive Xander. Everything is fake. This lady here is Chloe Lincoln, mychildhood friend. She has been abroad, managing her family’s business. She only returned to thecountry recently. I asked her help to put on a show.”

Chloe nodded.

Mary was a little taken aback upon hearing this. “What do you mean? Fake marriage? Haven’t youguys registered your marriage?”

How could their marriage be fake if they had even gotten their marriage certificate?

Chloe chuckled. “This marriage certificate is also fake.”

Then, she tore the marriage certificate into pieces before Mary.

Her action bewildered Mary.

However, she gradually believed them when she saw the marriage certificate that was torn into pieces.

Mary looked at the person before her with gratitude. “Thank you. If it weren’t for your help, I’m afraidRosie might have…”

Chloe smiled. “It’s nothing. I lose nothing from this fake marriage. Everything is worth it as long as itcan rescue her.”

Knowing that their marriage was fake eased Mary’s worries. All she was concerned about now waswhen Rosalie would wake up.

Time passed, and it was almost three hours since Rosalie took the antidote. The three of them beganto worry.

“Why isn’t she awake yet?”

Byron could not help asking Mary.

She was the only experienced doctor around.

Puzzled, Mary also hesitated when she answered, “I-I’m not sure why.”

Anger rose from deep down within Byron. It worried him thinking about Rosalie’s condition. “Is theantidote real? How do you know it’s real?”novelbin

Xander was a despicable person. If he wanted to see Byron in a pathetic state and thus gave him afake antidote…

Thinking of this possibility made Byron’s anger flare up. He wanted to drag Xander here immediatelyand question him.

Mary noticed Byron’s anger and frowned, saying, “I don’t think it’s fake. You saw Rosie’s symptomsreducing when she took that antidote. Maybe the antidote takes longer to show its effect. Let’s observefor a while more.”

Chloe agreed. “Xander’s expression when he gave you the antidote didn’t seem like it was fake.”

His aggressive reaction when Byron questioned him proved that.

Although Chloe did not know what happened between them well, she felt Xander would never hurtRosalie since he needed her in the future.

Byron could only suppress his anger and wait.

The hospital director came to the ward with food for the three.

They had no mood to eat and could only wait anxiously.

Chloe looked at the woman in the bed and felt astonished by her feelings for Rosalie.

It was her first time meeting this woman, and she was unconscious. They had not even spoken.

However, she felt the same as Mary. She felt like the woman in the bed was her friend.

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