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Chapter 1585

Chapter 1585 Did She Accept?

After Rosalie entered the research institute, Byron made a U-turn and drove to Quirke Enterprise.

When he was at his destination, Andrius happened to be back from outside and was heading to hisoffice.

"Byron, did you miss me today?"

Andrius quipped when he saw Byron.

When he saw the smile on Byron’s face, he was shocked.

"Wait! Are you really Byron? Did you make yourself look like Byron and enter my company, youintruder?"

Byron’s expression turned cold, and he looked at Andrius speechlessly.

"That’s right.Now, this is the Byron I know."

Andrius was finally sure the person who walked in was his best friend.He took Byron to his office.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

Andrius poured himself and Byron a cup of tea each.

They sat on the sofa, and he was so curious that he asked, "You and Rosalie..."

Byron glanced at him and said, "I need you to help Rosie with something."

Andrius agreed without hesitation.

"Since you’ve asked, I’ll be glad to help."

Byron continued, "Please..."

Shocked, Andrius exclaimed, "Do you have to use the word ‘please ’? We're best friends.I’ll blamemyself if you use this word and I fail to help you."

Byron continued with his usual tone, "Find a supplier or production plantation which can supply theresearch institute with medicinal materials with the same quality as Lancer Corporation as soon aspossible.Agree to whatever price they offer."

Andrius’ smile froze upon hearing that.He chuckled awkwardly.

"This matter is challenging.I think the ‘please’ suits it..."

Byron lifted his eyebrow, but his gaze was threatening.

Andrius quickly explained, "Byron, you don’t know much about the pharmaceutical industry and knownothing about the quality of the Lancer family's supply.They’re famous today for a reason.It'll be difficultto get medicinal materials with the same quality as the Lancer family's."

Byron’s expression remained unchanged.

Andrius shuddered and changed his attitude.

"However, I think there are still possibilities of finding a supplier that can do it.It’s just that this will be atroublesome and tough job..."

"Lawrence Corporation has a new project.Maybe Quirke Enterprise could take it." Byron spokecasually.

He knew Andrius wanted something in return.

Indeed, Andrius was interested in the project.novelbin

However, he wanted to know why Byron was going through all this trouble more than anything now.

"Did the cooperation between Lancer Corporation and the research institute fail?" he asked carefully.

Byron nodded.

Andrius lamented when he got the answer he wanted.

"This is great! With that, you won’t need to be afraid Rosalie will be too close to Xander."

Byron sipped the tea and said, "If you can get me the supplier, I won’t have to worry aboutXander.Other men will be unable to take Rosalie away from me as well."

Andrius was startled.

It took him some time to digest what Byron meant.

He guessed, "Did she accept your proposal?"

Byron smiled and looked pleased.

"Kind of.However, I have to get this matter done."

Andrius sighed and lamented again, "You two are finally getting married again after so long."

He now understood why Byron was smiling when he entered the building.

Then, Andrius swore to Byron, "Since you've said so, I'll get this done for Estie and you! Wait for mygood news!"

Byron chuckled and toasted Andrius.They drank the tea like they were drinking wine.

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