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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1484

My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1484– Doesn’t Mean She Is Suitable

The Lawrence family’s mansion.

Melody looked at the photo online, feeling nauseous and disgusted.

Before this, Wendy had sworn that she loved Byron.

It had only been a few days since the two families broke off their engagement tie, and this womanthrew herself into another man’s arms.

She could even have her breakfast so calmly! Melody assumed Wendy did it with that man willingly.

This time, Wendy’s act got exposed because of the photo. However, what happened now made Melodysuspect that Wendy had secretly cheated on Byron during those years they were engaged.

The deep love Wendy claimed she had for Byron was a lie!

Melody felt disgraced upon thinking Wendy might have deceived them all these years.

If this matter got out, her support for Melody to marry Byron would seem ridiculous! 1

If such a woman was allowed to get engaged with the head of the Lawrence family, others would thinkthat President Lawrence’s mother was a fool.

Just as she was boiling in anger, Magdalene’s call came in.

Melody hung up the call without hesitation.

“What a b*tch! How dare she call me?!”

Melody did not want to look at the photo anymore. She angrily threw her phone aside, wanting to avoidthe disgusting post.

She swore she would not have anything to do with the Fuller family from now onward. Never would shecare again about how they would end.

“Now you know what Wendy has been doing.”

Benedict walked down the stairs and noticed his wife’s annoyed expression. Then, he askedmeaningfully, “Do you still think she did all those things before because Byron refused to marry her?”

Melody regretted it. She was even more embarrassed upon hearing her husband’s words. “How wouldI know she was putting on an act all this while? She deserves it after deceiving me for years!” “I’ve toldyou before not to interfere too much in Byron’s matters, especially in his marriage. He’s a grown manand can handle his matter.”

Benedict advised her earnestly.

Whatever her motives were, Benedict felt they should not meddle with so many things, even if theywere Byron’s parents.

Melody said reluctantly, “I’m doing this for him. Do you think I would even care if it were other people’smatters?”

Benedict knew he could not change Melody’s mind, so he did not insist.” So, now you know Wendy isnot a suitable candidate to be Byron’s wife.”

Melody knew what he was trying to say, and her expression turned awkward. “It doesn’t mean Rosalieis even if Wendy isn’t.”

Mentioning Rosalie disgusted Melody. “Wendy is having an affair with another man but doesn’t havekids. What about Rosalie? She has kids who are almost the same age as Estie. That means she datedanother man once she headed abroad that year. How is she different from Wendy? She even wants tomarry Byron with her two kids. If I agree, won’t our family be a laughing stock?”

They could not hide the secret even if Byron announced that the two boys were his son. The truthwould be revealed one day.

Melody did not want others to make fun of the Lawrence family.

Realizing he could not persuade his wife, Benedict sighed. “Think about it again. We’re already so old.Isn’t it better to mind our business than to meddle in young people’s lives? Even if things turn out likewhat you’re worried about, it’ll no longer be our business. Why do you have to trouble yourself?”

With that, he patted Melody’s shoulder and headed upstairs.novelbin

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