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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1471

My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1471– I’ll Fully Cooperate

Due to Nox’s injury, Rosalie decided to just ask for leave of absence for all three kids, while she stayedat home temporarily to take care of them.

Fortunately, the ointment she developed before was very effective. After she applied it to the little boy,his wound healed quickly.

These two days, Byron often came to accompany the little ones.novelbin

While Rosalie was taking care of Nox at home, she also worried about the research institute’s projects.

In the end, she learned that all the projects were progressing smoothly, except for the project with theLancer family.

Due to the accident last time, Rosalie was hands-on with all the projects she cooperated with theLancer family, and no one else was allowed to intervene.

As a result, the project stalled as soon as she left.

Realizing this, Rosalie belatedly remembered that she was only concerned about Nox’s injury thesedays and forgot to explain the situation to Xander.

She was about to call Xander to apologize, but Xander called first.

Seeing the caller ID, Rosalie did not delay, and picked up the call immediately. Her voice wasapologetic. ‘ Hello, Young Master Xander.”

Xander’s voice sounded a little cold.

“Miss Jiang, it’s been so long, I wonder how your drug research is going? Normally, as a partner,shouldn’t you take the initiative to report this matter to me?”

His tone was condescending, as if he was ordering Rosalie around.

Rosalie felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but remembered that she was at fault first, and focusedon making amends.

“Young Master Xander, I’m really sorry, I have some things to deal with at home, so the research hasbeen temporarily delayed.”

Hearing this, Xander’s complexion suddenly sank, and his tone became increasingly unhappy. “It’s thesame as last time, and now it’s the same reason, how much more will the research progress bedelayed because of Miss Jacobs’ private affairs?”

He habitually thought that Rosalie was spending time with Byron, which delayed the research.

Rosalie frowned, “Nox’s hand got injured, I have to take care of him at home for a few days, that’s whyI couldn’t be at the research institute.”

She bit the bullet and continued, “I also know that I have delayed the progress of the research. It is myproblem. If Young Master Xander is still willing to trust me, when Nox almost recovers, I will definitelycatch up with the progress when I get back. If Young Master Xander doesn’t want to wait any longerand wants to change partners, I have no complaints, and I am willing to compensate according to theLancer’s request for the delayed progress before.”

The Lancer project was important, but in her heart, her children were more important!

When Xander heard that her so-called private matter was only her child’s injury, the anger in his heartgradually dissipated.

In addition, Rosalie actually proposed to cancel the cooperation, Xander could not help becomingnervous again, and his tone eased.

“Sorry, I had just disciplined my staff, and didn’t adjust my emotions. I was rude just now. Pleaseforgive me, Miss Jacobs.”

Rosalie was serious. “So what is your decision now, Young Master Xander?

I will fully cooperate.”

Xander said, “Of course I still want to cooperate with your research institute. I consider you the besttraditional medicine practitioner in the country.”

After finishing speaking, he complained. “Dear heavens, you! Why didn’t you tell me about Nox’s injuryearlier? If I had known earlier, I would have given you a few days off, and I wouldn’t have made such amess. How is Twilight? I’ll go see him another day.”

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