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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1459

My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1459– Less Awkward Than It Used to Be

Byron did not expect his father to want to meet Estelle so soon.novelbin

After hanging up the call, Byron looked at the time. It was still early. He wanted to call Rosalie to tell herabout it, but after pondering, he headed downstairs with his coat.

Downstairs, Mrs. Zora had prepared dinner. When she saw Byron, she said,” Sir, dinner is ready.”

Byron paused and said, “You can have dinner. I won’t be eating at home tonight.”

Before Mrs. Zora could process what he had just said, he strode out of the manor.

Upon seeing Byron leaving, she was a little puzzled but soon realized what he meant.

Who else could make Byron go out with such an expression and leave the house in a hurry?

Byron was going to Rosalie’s place again! He must be having dinner there that night.

When she heard the doorbell, Rosalie had just finished cooking dinner and was taking the kids to atable.

She put down her cutlery, got up, and looked at the intercom. She froze momentarily when she saw theperson on the screen and opened the door.

Byron stood at the door, and his gaze on her was gentle.

After a few days abroad, Byron’s attitude toward her had softened.

Although she was used to him being like this, Rosalie still felt strange.

After all, Byron was always cold to everyone.

“Why are you here? Didn’t you say we should avoid meeting each other for a few days?” She gatheredher thoughts and looked at the person before

her, puzzled.

On the way back, Mary suggested they should avoid meeting each other for a few days if possible.

Rosalie decided to follow the plan strictly, but Byron visited her unexpectedly.

The man at the door lifted his eyebrows and quipped, “If you want to avoid scandals, shouldn’t youinvite me into the house? If I stand here for long, the paparazzi might take photos of this.”

Rosalie was flustered and quickly made way for Byron to enter.

Carefully glancing outside, Rosalie ensured no one was around before she closed it.

Noticing her nervousness, Byron said, “Rest assured. I’ve ordered the bodyguards to check the area.”

Rosalie was relieved.

The project would get back on track in a few days, and she did not want to go through what hadhappened the other day.

Upon seeing Byron, the little ones were excited. They stopped eating and approached him.

Rosalie could not believe it even now.

She had always thought Byron’s character would not gain the children’s favor. Unexpectedly, he waspatient when he was with the kids.

Lucian and Nox favored him almost as much as they favored her.

Rosalie lamented and felt grateful at the same time.

The little ones loved him so much that she did not have to worry about them taking it badly when theyfound out they were his children…

She took a plate and a pair of cutlery for Byron. “Have you eaten yet? Why don’t you have dinner withUS?”

After getting along with Byron for quite some time, her perception of him changed. When she was withhim, it felt less awkward than it used to be. He nodded and sat beside her.

“What’s the matter? Why are you here at this hour?” Rosalie asked again.

Byron looked at the little ones and said, “I’ll tell you about it later. Let’s finish our meal first.”

Noticing his expression, Rosalie understood his concern and stopped asking further.

A family of five was having a meal together, and the little ones enjoyed their dinner.

After dinner, knowing that Daddy and Mommy had something to say, the little ones obediently ran off tothe garden to play.

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