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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1409

My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1409–Just as desperate as Wendy wasHenry, who had his hands full for several days.

Melody’s words gave Henry hope, thinking that she could really convince Byron to spare the Fullerfamily this time.

Unexpectedly, Lawrence Corporation’s suppression of the Fuller family did not stop and evenintensified, pushing them to the point of bankruptcy!

Henry’s hard work for several days was in vain, and his relatives came to question him one afteranother.

After a few days, most of Henry’s hair turned gray.

At this moment, Henry was sitting behind the desk in the study, face-to- face with several bank staff infront of him.

Several contracts for real estate transactions were clearly laid out on the table.

After the bank staff reviewed the contract, they pushed the contract in front of Henry. “Mr. Fuller, pleasesign here.”

Henry came back to his senses and glanced at the properties he had worked so hard for. His handstrembled in distress, and he left his signature in a trembling scrawl.

The bank staff naturally did not empathize with him. After he signed the papers, they began to reviewthe next property deed without hesitation.

On the side, Magdalene stood in front of the desk, her face white as a sheet. She wanted to comfortHenry, but after seeing his hideous expression, she swallowed the words back and held her breath.

She only managed to pour him a glass of water.

“I don’t even want to drink water!”

Henry was already suppressing his anger, and when he saw the cup of water suddenly appearing infront of him, he lost it and slammed the table.” I’ve lost everything! I think I’ll choke on the water!”

As if to confirm his words, the bank staff spoke, “Mr. Fuller, this house is no longer your property. Ourbank will seal up this house tomorrow morning. I hope you can move out on time and not interfere withour work.”

Henry’s voice trembled. “Get out! Get out!”

The staff knew that the Fuller family had fallen, and the man in front of them was nothing more than atiger that had lost its teeth. They did not take his outburst seriously. “We’ve already contacted themoving company for you. Please move out as soon as possible. If you don’t cooperate, coercivemeasures will be taken.”

Upon hearing these words, Henry’s face turned red.

The Fuller family had fallen to this point. If the banks were forced to take coercive measures, theywould have no more dignity left!

In the end, he took a few deep breaths but did not say anything. He just watched the bankers leavewith a gloomy face.

“Henry, are we really going to move out?”

Only Magdalene and Henry were left in the study, and Magdalene looked at him in disbelief.

Since she married into the Fuller family, they had been living here. Magdalene had gotten used to livinghere. All of a sudden, she was asked to move out and live in a worse environment. She could notaccept it.

Henry slammed the table and snapped, “What are you asking me for? You should ask your gooddaughter! If it wasn’t for her, how could we have come to this point?!”

Magdalene trembled from Henry’s anger. Her mouth was hung open, but she dared not ask any morequestions.

After losing his temper, Henry sat back down in a slump, thinking about the impoverishment he mighthave to endure for the rest of his life. The more he ruminated, the angrier he became.


Magdalene was racking her brains to think of a way out of this predicament when Henry suddenlyjumped up and strode toward the study door.

Seeing this, Magdalene hurriedly followed suit, fearing that he would do something impulsive like lasttime.novelbin

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