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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1391

My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1391–Chapter 1391 Swallow the Pillnovelbin

Byron had been carrying Rosalie in his arms down the stairs. However, she was still unconscious andshowed no sign of waking.

After helping her to fasten her seat belt and draping his coat on her, he walked to the driver’s seat anddrove back to the hotel.

He drove slowly for fear of waking Rosalie next to him.

It was after nine in the evening when they were back at the hotel.


Byron parked his car and tried to wake the person beside him gently.

Rosalie’s brows furrowed slightly, and she pulled the coat on her to cover her head in frustration, tryingto shut out the voice.

Her action melted Byron’s heart, and he caressed her hair. He got out carefully and carried Rosalie outof the car.

It was cold and breezy outside. Even with his coat on, Rosalie felt cold and subconsciously buriedherself in his arms.

Byron tightened his grip and quickened his pace, walking fast and steadily.

The guests who came and went into the hotel lobby saw the couple. They were both surprised andenvious.

Byron ignored the gazes and headed upstairs.

When he passed by Rosalie’s room, he did not even glance at it and took Rosalie to his room.

As he was about to put Rosalie to bed, Rosalie seemed to have sensed it and clutched tightly on hiscollar.

Byron could only lean over and coax her gently, “Be a good girl and let go. I won’t leave you alone. I’llbe here by your side. You’ll feel more comfortable sleeping properly.”

As he spoke, he gently pried open her fingers.

Rosalie seemed to have heard what he had just said and frowned. Then, she cooperated and let go.

Looking at her aggrieved expression, Byron tsked and covered her with the quilt. Then, he caressedher hair.

The drunkenness struck Rosalie, and she snorted uncomfortably.

Byron poured her a glass of water and called the front desk to ask them to get Rosalie a hangover pill.

With great effort, he finally stuffed the pill in Rosalie’s mouth. However, she did not swallow it.

Byron held the glass by her lips and wanted to make her drink some water to help her swallow the pill.

However, feeding Rosalie the pill seemed to have upset her. She refused to open her mouth no matterwhat.

“Rosalie, open your mouth and swallow the pill.”

Byron squeezed Rosalie’s cheeks gently.

Upset, Rosalie turned her head away and buried herself under the quilt. She frowned and wasreluctant.

“No, I can’t drink no more…”

In her sleep, she thought she was drinking and kept shaking her head under the quilt.

Looking at Rosalie throwing a tantrum, Byron felt sorry for her and amused at the same time.

Noticing that the water was getting cold, Byron pondered and drank a mouthful.

Rosalie vaguely felt that her quilt seemed to be pulled down by something and quickly reached out tograb it. However, a hand held her jaw.


A hand squeezed her jaw, forcing her to open her mouth. Then, she felt a wet and soft touch on herlips.

Rosalie was forced to drink the water that passed through his mouth. She felt the thirst in her throatsubside, and her hand that was prepared to push the person slowly withdrew, i

Aware Rosalie was cooperating, Byron’s desire grew, and his gaze on her became bold.

He, who should have just fed her the water and ensured that she had swallowed the medicine, couldnot help himself from holding the woman’s jaw and tasting her lips.

Only when Rosalie was kissed out of breath and began to struggle did Byron reluctantly let go of hishand.

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