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Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Cannot Be With Him

At the same time, Lawrence Mansion. Melody and Benedict were ready to go to sleep when theysuddenly heard the doorbell ringing loudly. They hurried to open the door. The moment they openedthe door, they saw Henry and Magdalene Fuller standing there with apologetic expressions. Wendywas behind them with red eyes.

“What‘s the matter?” Melody asked, puzzled when she saw their appearances.

Magdalene turned to stare at Wendy. Wendy‘s eyes were red, and her face was filled with remorse.Even her voice was a little hoarse, “Aunt Melody, I‘m here to apologize.”

Melody was even more puzzled when she heard this. She invited all three of them in to sit down on thesofa and asked someone to pour them some tea before she asked, “What happened? Why are youapologizing out of nowhere?”

Wendy lowered her head, not daring to look at her. “Yesterday morning, you persuaded Estelle to getinto my car. I thought Estie would get into the car obediently and I‘d send her to kindergarten smoothly,but unexpectedly, Estelle clamored to get off the car on the way. She even wanted to open the doorregardless of her own safety. I admonished her several times, but she didn‘t listen to me. I got a littleanxious in the end, so I stopped the car and hit her a few times.”

Hearing that she actually struck Estie, Melody‘s and Benedict‘s expressions sank. Wendy explainedtearfully following that, “I really didn‘t mean it. It was completely my fault. I shouldn‘t have struck a child.Estie is so cute and the apple of all your eyes. Now that I think of it, I really want to hit myself. If only Ihad more patience at that time.”

Seeing that she regretted it so much, Melody‘s expression eased again. “It‘s useless for you to come tous since you know it‘s wrong. You‘d better apologize to Estelle and don‘t ever do this again in the


Wendy looked troubled. “Aunt Melody, I think so as well, but Byron found out about this. He‘s furious—”“Byron should be angry. You should go talk things through with him properly.” Melody frowned slightly.She also felt that Wendy had gone too far with this. She noted that Wendy‘s face was even moresorrowful after she said that.novelbin

“If Byron could forgive me, I‘d do anything, but…” Wendy stopped. To one side, Magdalene saiddearly, “Melody, you don‘t know how livid Byron was. It was like he had lost his mind last night. He evenstruck Wendy. Look.” Saying that, she reached out and lifted the long hair on Wendy‘s back, revealingthe marks on her neck

Seeing the blues and purples on her neck, Melody and Benedict were stunned. They did not expectByron to act with such a heavy hand! Melody came out of shock and asked with concern, “This injury…Will it get in your way?” Wendy pursed her lips and shook her head.

“It‘s all right. This injury is nothing as long as Byron can forgive me.” Seeing Wendy so regretful and sobadly hurt, the dissatisfaction Melody felt in her heart toward her also mostly disappeared. After all,they had seen what Wendy had done over the years. Estelle was indeed a little withdrawn, and shewas also headstrong. Outsiders would have a headache taking care of her. Hence, Melody alsothought that Wendy‘s reason for laying a hand on Estelle was understandable.

“Byron was really angry, then. We‘ll apologize to him on your behalf. Don‘t take it to heart.” Melodyapologized to Wendy. Wendy shed tears. “I‘m fine, but… I may not be able to be with Byron anymore. Ican‘t even take care of Estelle properly. I‘ve betrayed your trust in me. If Byron still chooses Rosalie,then I‘ll give them my blessing.“

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