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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315 It Won’t Be You

Estelle still had not calmed down completely. When she saw Melody, she was about to cry again.

Rosalie hugged the little girl, and her eyes met Melody. “Mrs. Lawrence, Estie’s emotion is not stable.Please don’t trigger her.”

Byron also approached with a frown.

With Melody’s attitude toward Wendy, he thought she had realized she was wrong.

However, he did not expect her to provoke Rosalie after he chased Wendy away.

“I love my granddaughter. What makes you think what I do will hurt her?”

Melody was in a great mood swing. She could hardly control her emotions and sounded dissatisfiedwhen she said that.

Then, she wanted to snatch Estelle from Rosalie’s arm. “Estie, come over to Grandma. Let Grandmasee if you’re injured.”

Estelle panicked and climbed onto Rosalie’s shoulder. “Boo-hoo…l want Mommy! I don’t wantGrandma. No!”

Melody’s expression changed when she heard how Estelle addressed Rosalie. “Don’t simply call her‘Mommy*!”

Estelle just kept crying and did not care about what she said.

However, Byron heard each word.

He stood by Rosalie and the little ones as he glared at Melody coldly.

“Mother, Estie is already crying. What do you want to do to her? Didn’t you hear what Wendy said?Aren’t you going to reflect on yourself?”

Melody did not know what to say. After a while, she said, “I care about Estie.”

Byron rubbed his forehead and suppressed his anger. “When have you been less concerned aboutEstie? It’s because of your concern that you tried to

push her to Wendy.”

Estelle had suffered these few years because of Melody’s favor for Wendy.novelbin

That shut Melody up.

She looked at Estelle with a trace of guilt. “Estie, it’s my fault. I want to make things right now.”

Then, she glared at Rosalie. “I can stay away from Estie for a while, but this Jacobs woman must leaveLawrence Manor too! Nothing good has ever happened to the Lawrence family with her around! I thinkshe just wants to cause chaos in the Lawrence family!”

Estelle would not have suffered that much if Rosalie had not dumped Estelle mercilessly back then.

Tears rolled down Rosalie’s cheeks when Melody said that to Rosalie.” Estie wants Mommy. Mommy,don’t leave…”

The little girl cried so much that Rosalie ignored how the little girl had been addressing her.

Rosalie was touched and felt sorry for Estelle when she saw Estelle protecting her.

Melody was displeased. “Don’t think you can marry Byron just because Estelle calls you ‘Mommy’.Many people yearn for this position. Even without Wendy, someone else will marry Byron, but it won’tbe you.”

Rosalie whispered and comforted Estelle while ignoring Melody.

Byron stepped forward and stood between Melody and Rosalie as he said,” The only person I’ll marryis her! If you’re unwilling to accept it, I don’t mind resigning from my job now and giving up my positionas heir.”

Melody and Rosalie were shocked.

Melody knew her son wanted to marry that woman, but she never expected he would be willing to giveup everything he had now to marry her.

Byron’s words also startled Rosalie.

She did not expect Byron to be willing to go to this extent for her…

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