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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306 Loopholes Everywhere

It was about two hours later.

Magdalene did not dare to waste any second. She quickly dialed Melody’s number.novelbin

Melody picked up soon after the call went through.* Magdalene, what’s wrong?”

She sounded calm.

Obviously, she knew nothing about what was going on.

Magdalene forced herself to calm down, but her voice trembled uncontrollably. “Do you have time?Wendy wants to talk to you about something.”

Melody was puzzled to hear Magdalene speak like that. ” What happened? Is it about theengagement? Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Byron…”

Wendy and her parents felt guilty when they heard Byron’s name.

Magdalene only dared to say, “You’ll know when you arrive…”

Then, she hung up the call.

She believed Melody would come!

As expected, half an hour later, Melody was already in the living room of the Fuller family’s residence.

Looking at the gloomy faces of the three people, Melody’s heart sank, and she frowned. “Whathappened? Why are you all like this?”

Suddenly, Wendy pounced at Melody and hugged her legs.

Melody was startled and about to say something, but Wendy spoke before she did.

“Auntie, I know my mistake! Please help me! I won’t do it again!”

It broke Melody’s heart to see her like that. “Tell me about it. Maybe I can help you.”

Wendy sobbed and said, “I told you before that Rosalie took Estie out camping, and Estie got infectedwith bacteria.

Actually, I did it!”

Melody’s smile faded. “What on earth is going on here?”

“I didn’t mean to hurt Estie! I just wanted to teach Rosalie and her two kids a lesson. However,something unexpected happened, and the bacteria got into Estie’s cup, and Estie got infected.”

Trying to make her crime sound less grave, Wendy continued. “I didn’t expect it to become like that, soI didn’t dare to tell you…”

Before she could finish speaking, Melody slapped her.

Melody’s slap was harder than Henry’s.

Hearing that her trusted future daughter-in-law dared to harm her little granddaughter angered Melody!

She suddenly remembered the incident of Wendy spanking Estelle.

At that time, she was obsessed and actually believed Wendy did that for Estelle’s safety.

“Auntie…” The slap dumbfounded Wendy. After a few seconds, she lifted her head slowly and lookedat Melody in despair.

Melody mercilessly shook off her hand. “Don’t call me that! If you had really taken me as an elder, youwouldn’t have lied to me all these years! You wouldn’t have hurt my granddaughter. Wendy, I didn’trealize you were so vicious! You’ve let me down!”

Wendy’s and her parents’ hearts sank when they saw Melody’s reaction.

Magdalene was still holding onto some hope. “Melody, for our years of friendship…”

‘You don’t deserve to call me by my name!”

Melody’s anger made the three people of the Fuller family feel breathless.

Suddenly, Melody thought of something and looked at Wendy by her feet. “What about the car accidentpreviously?”

Now that she recalled it, there were loopholes everywhere in the accident.

Wendy lowered her head and dared not speak anymore.

Noticing the situation had developed to this stage, Magdalene and Henry knew they had no otherchoice. Panicked, they knelt before Melody.

“Mrs. Lawrence, please help us! Spare us this time, and we promise never to appear before theLawrence family-“

Before they could say more, Melody interrupted. “Tell Byron about thi. My maiden name is Bloome, notLawrence. I don’t decide for my son.”

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