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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1297

Chapter 1297 Making You Worry

Rosalie was caught off guard, and her hair was wet behind her ears, giving her a kind of disheveledbeauty.

“Ah!” Rosalie was a little dazed after being splashed, and it took a few seconds for her to realize that allthe shells in her palms had been washed away.

Even the one she had originally wanted to pick up was now gone.

Rosalie felt both hilarious and helpless.

‘I finally came to the beach. First, I was hit by the waves, then lost the shells I just collected.’

“Are you okay?”

From her voice, Byron noticed that she had gotten so close to the water, got up and walked towardsher.

Rosalie wiped the seawater off her face, shook her head at him, and said regretfully, “It’s nothing, onlythe shells are all washed away.”

Her clothes were all wet, sticking to her body. The drenched fabric following her movements, herattractive figure was outlined.

President Lawrence, who remained abstinent for six years, felt his stomach tighten at the sight of thewoman’s appearance.

However, his priority was still her well-being, and said in a deep voice,” Let’s go back to the car, we canstill come back to look for it another day.”

‘If you stay any longer, I’m afraid you’ll catch a cold.’

Rosalie also knew what he was worried about. Although it was a shame, she turned and walkedtowards the shore.

“Be careful!”

Byron frowned and strode over to her.

Rosalie, too, heard the sound of the waves behind her, so she quickened her pace to leave, butaccidentally stepped on a hidden reef. Her feet slipped and she fell backwards.

The waves rolled over in an instant, almost engulfing Rosalie.

Rosalie fell down unprepared and lost her center of gravity. She could not stand up as she fluttered inpanic in the water.

Just when she felt that she was about to suffocate, a big hand firmly held her hand, and then pulled herto stand up from the water. 1

Rosalie spat out a mouthful of seawater in discomposure, panting heavily.

Byron stared at the person in front of him closely, his eyes were filled with unparalleled panic.

After what happened last time, he could never allow anything to happen to this woman in front of him!

“Sorry, I…”

Rosalie finally recovered and wanted to tell him that she was too careless, which made him worryagain.

Before she could finish speaking, her lips were sealed.

Byron’s kiss came suddenly and passionately, as if devouring her whole.novelbin

The hand that was on her wrist loosened, and wrapped around her waist instead, pulling her into hisarms without question.

Rosalie had not reacted yet, her body was a little stiff, and her eyes widened in surprise.

‘Not sure if I’m hallucinating, but Byron’s hands seem to be shaking slightly

As if aware of her distraction, Byron frowned slightly, raised his hand to grab her chin, forced her mouthopen, kissing her deeper.

Rosalie finally understood the meaning of the kiss. Her eyes trembled, then she closed her eyes, andwrapped her arms around his neck.

The two kissed passionately in the undulating waves, not caring whether anyone would suddenlyappear.

A camera lens protruded from the bushes far from the beach, took several pictures of the two of them,and then slowly retracted. 1

Rosalie felt a little out of breath, so she raised her hand and gently nudged Byron twice.

Only then did Byron let go of her, breathing heavily, and his eyes were even redder.

“Sorry for making you worry.”

The aggressiveness in the man’s eyes was too strong, Rosalie awkwardly avoided his gaze andapologized softly.

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