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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290 Estie And You Have A Good Relationship

On Monday morning, Lucian and Nox woke up early.

When Rosalie went downstairs, the two little ones had even prepared hot milk and sandwiches.

Rosalie could not help feeling amused seeing how much the little ones were looking forward to it.

“Mommy, eat quickly. Once you’re done, you need to send us to school!”

Nox pushed the hot milk toward her.

Rosalie nodded with a smile, had breakfast with the little ones, and then took them into the car.

Ever since Estie transferred to another school, she had never seen these two little ones looking forwardto school so much.

Now that Estie has transferred back from, Lucian’s and Nox’s love for kindergarten had also returned.

At the entrance of the kindergarten, Rosalie saw Byron standing next to Miss Leigh Ann with Estie froma distance. They were talking along with the principal of the kindergarten.

“Mr. Byron, Little Estie!”novelbin

The two little ones were still in the car, and they kept screaming excitedly.

Rosalie looked at Estie’s little figure and could not help but smile. Then, she took the little ones out ofthe car.

As soon as they got out of the car, Lucian and Nox ran toward Estie as fast as they could. They gaveEstie a big bear hug on each side.

“Little Estie, welcome back!”

When Estie faced Miss Leigh Ann, she was still a little cautious.

However, as soon as the two little brothers came over, the little girl chuckled out loud. She smiled fromear to ear.

After Lucian and Nox welcomed Estie, they turned to greet Byron and Miss Leigh Ann.

“Good morning, teacher. Good morning, Mr. Byron!”

Miss Leigh Ann broke into smiles as she had not seen the two little ones so happy for a long time, i

The principal did not bother about the two little boys. After all, he had read Rosalie’s file, but she wasjust a doctor. He did not need to try hard to curry favor.

Byron raised his hand and touched their heads. He was about to ask the little ones where Rosalie waswhen he saw Rosalie’s skirt appear in front of him.

“Miss Jacobs, good morning!” Miss Leigh Ann greeted Rosalie with a smile.

Rosalie nodded with a smile, “Good morning, President Lawrence, and good morning, principal.”

After she was done speaking, she could not help lowering her eyes to look at Estie.

After she parted ways with Byron, she insisted on picking up Lucian and Nox personally in order to seeEstie at the gate, but she never saw her.

Now that she finally saw the little girl, Rosalie was filled with emotions.


Estie called out at Rosalie crisply in front of Miss Leigh Ann and the principal.

At that moment, Miss Leigh Ann and the principal were both taken aback.

It was Miss Leigh Ann who came to her senses first. She took a look at Byron and saw that he did notseem to be unhappy, so she smiled and acknowledged Rosalie. “Estie and you have a really goodrelationship.”

Rosalie pursed her lips and smiled, looking down at the innocent look on the little girl’s face. Suddenly,Rosalie felt that there was nothing to hide, so she patted the little girl’s head generously and said,“Estie, you must listen to Miss Leigh Ann in class. If there’s anything, just tell the little brothers. Do youunderstand?”

The little girl nodded obediently.

Lucian and Nox also quickly said, “We’ll definitely take good care of our little sister and won’t let her bebullied again!”

Although Rosalie did not say anything, the little ones could guess what had happened to Estie in thenew kindergarten. They were very angry but did not have a chance to stand up for their little sister, sothey could only protect her in the current kindergarten!

Only then did the principal react belatedly. He smiled eagerly at Rosalie.” Miss Jacobs, you can restassured that the environment in our kindergarten is very good. There’ll be no bullying among children!”

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