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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284 Call Me ‘Godmother’

That was what Byron saw when he was back with the water bottles.

The little ones were gathered around Rosalie happily, and Rosalie was smiling.

Byron was happy to see them like that, and his gaze softened.

The little ones waved happily at him when he came back.

Byron strode toward them and distributed the water he bought as he listened to their conversation.

“Weren’t you afraid just now?”

Suddenly, Rosalie looked at Byron.

The kids were looking at him too.

Byron lifted his eyebrows confidently. “I’ve done parachuting, and it’s more dangerous than this.”

Rosalie was surprised to hear that.

She had thought that someone like Byron would not do something adventurous.

Lucian’s and Nox’s eyes it up in excitement. They tugged Byron’s clothes and said, “Mr. Byron, take uswith you next time!”

Byron smiled and agreed without hesitation, “I’ll take you when you’re old enough.”

The little boys cheered again.

Rosalie was touched to see Byron and the little ones getting along well.

Sure enough, the kids still needed their father.

She had always known that these little guys were bold and wanted to try all sorts of activities.

However, the little boys always cared about her feelings and were afraid she would be frightened.Thus, they never made those suggestions before.

The little ones were open to being themselves in front of Byron.

Presumably, with Byron’s accompany, the boys would grow up happily in the future.

As she pondered, someone tugged her shirt.

Rosalie snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the kids.

It was Estelle who was looking at her without even blinking her bright eyes.

“What’s the matter, Estie?”novelbin

Rosalie squatted and asked the little girl softly.

Estelle hugged her neck and whispered in her ear, “Auntie, can Estie call you ‘Mommy’?”

The little girl’s voice sounded timid, and she was afraid Rosalie would reject her.

Upon hearing that question, Rosalie subconsciously at the man talking to Lucian and Nox.

They did not seem to notice her and Estelle.

Estelle explained anxiously, “I feel like we’re a family, and didn’t you agree to date Daddy, Auntie? We’llbe a family in the future!”

The little girl’s face was full of anticipation.

Her words touched Rosalie.

Indeed, she had already decided to accept Byron.

However, she was not sure what would happen in the future.

If she promised the little girl now, she would not know how to face her if she had to let her down in thefuture.

Rosalie hesitated.

“Auntie…” Estelle thought Rosalie would refuse her, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Rosalie did not have the heart to reject her upon hearing the little girl’s voice. She could only try topersuade Estelle. “Your daddy and I…”

She wanted to say they were not married, but it might cause a misunderstanding. She hesitated,skipped that sentence, and said, “If you wish to take me as your mommy, why don’t you call me‘Godmother’? Is that okay?”

The little girl pouted her lips and was a little reluctant.

However, she could only agree since Rosalie had given in so much. “Okay.”

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