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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260 Let’s Go

However, Andrea became more agitated as she carried on. “If it wasn’t for that woman, Byron andWendy would’ve already been married. To hell with her!”

At this point, Andrius wanted to slap her so that she could face reality.” Can’t you see it? Even if Dr.Jacobs never came back, it’d be impossible for Byron to marry Wendy!”

Hearing this, Andrea’s eyes flickered with trepidation. “Why is it impossible? Byron clearly…”

‘Six years ago, we all saw how persistent Byron was about his relationship with Wendy!

‘If Rosalie hadn’t stepped in, they would definitely be together!’

Andrius coldly scolded her, “Shut up! If Byron really loves Wendy, why hasn’t he married her? Rightfrom the start, Byron has always loved Dr. Jacobs!”

“Impossible!” Andrea’s voice was no longer as firm as before.

“Then tell me, if Byron truly loves Wendy so much, why hasn’t he made things official with her?”

Andrius frowned and questioned.

Andrea’s eyes trembled constantly. Deep down, she was doubtful about it herself.

“But… But, even if Byron doesn’t love Wendy, they’re still engaged. Rosalie also has children withanother man. The two of them can’t be together no matter what! Rosalie isn’t good enough for Byron!”

Andrius shouted angrily, “Byron has already decided to annul his engagement with Wendy!”

With that said, Andrea’s face was full of shock. She could not believe her ears.

‘Why? It’s been six years. Why did Byron suddenly annul the engagement?”

‘If he wanted to get to this point, why didn’t he say so earlier?’

Andrius looked at his sister with disdain. “I told you a long time ago not to meddle in Byron’s privateaffairs, but you just didn’t listen! Very well, then! If this matter affects the Quirke family, I won’t belenient on you even if you are my sister!”

Andrea was still in doubt. When she heard this sentence, she looked up at her brother in disbelief.“Brother!”

Andrius’ head was splitting from anger. “I don’t have a sister as stupid as you! From now on, you’dbetter lay low and stay put in the hospital. If you cause trouble again, I’ll tell Grandpa immediately andkick you out!”

Andrea pinched her palms, her lips trembling uncontrollably.

She still could not believe that Byron would annul his engagement with Wendy so easily!

impossible, impossible…”

She wanted to rush to Wendy’s ward to ask her clearly.

Before she could make a move, there was a knock on the door. Byron walked in with no expression.

Meeting his gaze, Andrea’s heart tightened suddenly, and she subconsciously took a few steps back.

After all that Andrius had said, she could not believe that Byron would annul his engagement withWendy.

However, from Byron’s expression, she gradually believed it.

‘If this is the case, I’ve done so many things with Wendy during this period. What will Byron do to me?’

For a moment, Andrea’s heart was filled with fear.

Byron’s gaze only stayed on her face for a few seconds before it quickly shifted away to look atAndrius. “I’m done talking. Let’s go.”

Andrius was also shocked.

He spoke so harshly just now. However, it was nothing compared to what Byron would do. Andrea washis sister, after all. He would not be able to watch Byron deal with her.novelbin

Fortunately, Byron did not plan to do so.

Andrius secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded to Byron, ignored Andrea, and strode out.

Byron, I’m really sorry. I didn’t discipline Andrea well.”

After they stepped out, Andrius helped Andrea bear part of the responsibility.

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