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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1252

Chapter 1252 When You Hug Mommy

After complaining, Nox snickered.

Lucian and Estelle also snickered.

They were so worried about Mommy that they wanted to come up and see her.

However, they did not expect to see Daddy hugging Mommy when they got upstairs.

The little ones stopped and peeped around the corner.

The kids were dumbfounded when they saw that their mommy seemed to want to respond to theirdaddy’s hug. They looked at them with expectation and did not notice their mommy looking at them,catching them red-handed.

Although they were caught peeping, the little ones’ mood was better than all the days before this!

From how Mommy and Daddy hugged, it seemed they had not only cleared the misunderstandingbetween them. The kids realized they seemed to have gotten back together, and they were not far frombecoming a family.

“Let go of me…”

Rosalie’s face flushed red when she noticed that the kids were watching them. She sounded guiltywhen she spoke.

Byron slowly released his grip but still had one arm around Rosalie’s waist. He looked sullenly at thethree little fellows on the corner who had done him a disservice.

“When did you all come up here?”

The little ones looked at each other. At last, they said, “We came upstairs when you were huggingMommy.”

Rosalie felt more embarrassed when she heard that.

“Remember to stay away if you see something like that again!”

The kids agreed obediently. “Okay. We’ll make sure Mommy doesn’t notice us!”

Byron put on a stern look and said nothing more.

Rosalie frowned and looked at her kids angrily. “Stop talking nonsense. We were just…”

She still could not find any excuse even after pondering it for a long time. The kids noticed that andquipped.

“Mommy’s face is so red!”

Rosalie stopped talking and subconsciously covered her face. It was burning hot.

Panicked, she realized she was still in Byron’s embrace and quickly stood away from him.

This time, Byron did not stop her, and she was secretly relieved.novelbin

Lucian diverted the topic because he saw that Rosalie was embarrassed, and even her neck wasflushed red. “Mommy, now that you’re in a good mood, can you cook for US? We’re so hungry!”

Nox and Estelle nodded and looked at Rosalie eagerly.

Rosalie’s reaction was natural again when she saw that the little ones had given up on talking aboutthe hug. “I’m going to cook. Eat some snacks and fruits while you wait for the food if you’re very


Rosalie did not dare to look at the man beside her. Panicked, she walked past him and headeddownstairs. 1

When she reached downstairs, Byron’s voice came from upstairs.

“I haven’t had lunch either. Can you prepare for me too, if possible?”

Then, as if afraid of being refused by Rosalie, he added, “If it’s inconvenient, I can order takeout formyself.”

The little ones asked in their cute voices, “What kind of takeout do you usually order, Mr. Byron? We’lleat what you eat!”

Byron answered them seriously about what Luther always ordered for him.

The little ones were excited upon hearing that.

Rosalie heard their enthusiastic discussion and felt helpless. “I’ve prepared the ingredients and justhave to cook them. You don’t have to order takeout.”

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