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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249 Really A Mistress?

Rosalie was shocked to see Byron, and tears shimmered in her eyes uncontrollably.

“Rosalie, open the door!”

Byron rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one answered. He frowned and shouted.

Rosalie bit her lip, took her phone, and called Byron.

Downstairs, Byron stopped knocking at the door at once and answered with a frown. “Where are you?Is no one at home?”

Rosalie held back her tears and tried to make herself sound calm. “I want to be alone. Please leave.”

‘You’re at home, aren’t you?”

Byron reacted immediately and said, “I’m not going back. Open the door and let’s talk!”

Rosalie’s tears flowed down her cheeks silently.

Without another word, she hung up the phone and did not stand at the window again. Instead, she satdown on the edge of the bed in a dilemma.

Looking at the dark phone screen, Byron’s forehead puckered. He stopped pressing the doorbell andknocked on the door. As he knocked, he shouted Rosalie’s name.

“Rosalie! open the door! Let’s talk! I’m not going back without you seeing you!’’

The three children were discussing how to coax Rosalie in the living room. When they heard the voiceat the door, their eyes lit up in joy.

“Daddy! It’s Daddy!” Tears were still shimmering in Estelle’s eyes, yet she sounded happy.

With that, the little girl got down from the sofa and ran to open the door for her daddy.

Byron looked at the three little ones before him. His eyebrows were knitted, and he did not hide hisconcern. “Where is she?”

He did not have to tell them who he was asking about.

Estelle pointed upstairs anxiously. “U-Upstairs. Daddy, go and take a look!”

Byron’s gaze turned gloomy upon seeing his daughter’s tears. He stared at Rosalie’s bedroom. Then,he headed to the living room.

The little ones followed him.

Nox could not help complaining, “Just now, two mean ladies came looking for Mommy!”

Hearing the little boy’s reproachful words, Byron answered, “I know. That’s why I came here.”

Then, Byron crouched and looked the little boy straight in the eye. “Can you tell me what the twoaunties said to your mommy?”

Nox was flustered.

Mommy never wanted them to interfere with her affairs with Daddy.

However, those two mean ladies were too ruthless.

The little boy clenched his fists secretly and decided to tell Daddy without hesitating.

However, Lucian’s voice came from behind him before he could speak.

‘They said that Mommy is the mistress who broke your engagement and told Mommy to stay awayfrom you and Estie. She tried to hit Estie, but Mommy stopped her. Then, she tried to hit Mommy!”

The little boy spoke in a very orderly way, and he explained exactly what had happened in a few words.

It was just that he had skipped some of the details.

For example, the two mean ladies tried to attack their mother but failed. Instead, their mommy beatthem up.

Byron’s expression was gloomy upon hearing the little one’s words.novelbin

‘Wendy! Who gave her the nerve to say that? How dare she lay her hands on my woman?!’

“Mr. Byron, is our mommy really a mistress?” Nox looked at the man before him in tears.

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