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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154 Let Estie Accept Her

Rosalie glanced at Byron and Wendy coldly.

A strange feeling emerged in Wendy when her eyes met Rosalie’s. She subconsciously shut hermouth.

Byron looked displeased as he stared at Rosalie.

After a while, Rosalie sneered, feeling that all this was ridiculous. “Miss Fuller, you can rest assured. Iunderstand what you mean, and I’ll stay away from Estie. However, I hope you can take good care ofEstie and not let such a thing happen again.”

Then, Rosalie got into her car straight after speaking, not giving them a chance to say anything to her.

Byron’s forehead puckered upon seeing her leaving. He did not want her to go just like that. However,he could not stop her when he saw her expression.

Wendy did not expect that Rosalie would warn her of her mistake before Rosalie left.

Watching Rosalie’s car drive away, Wendy’s smile froze.

“Byron…” She looked cautiously back at the person next to her.

Byron was not in the mood and sounded impatient when he spoke to Wendy, “What do you want tosay? You’ve been in charge of picking up Estie all this time. Didn’t the teacher tell you about Estie’ssituation at school?”

Wendy drooped her eyes, feeling guilty.

Ruth had told her that Estelle did not seem like she was in a good mood recently.

However, Wendy did not take it seriously, thinking Estelle had always been moody.

What happened today was beyond her expectation.

“Do you know what would’ve happened to Estie if Rosalie had not noticed it in time?” Byron askedcoldly.

Wendy came up with an excuse. “Byron, I don’t know much about Estie’s condition. She has alwaysbeen moody, and something like that happened on the first day of school. Ms. Sullivan did tell me thatEstie hasn’t been in a good mood and seemed to lack enthusiasm during lessons. I thought…”

She meant that it was Ruth’s fault for not telling her Estie’s actual situation.

Byron knew she was pushing the blame, and he showed his displeasure. “If I hadn’t asked, when wouldyou have told me?”

Wendy did not know how to answer. After remaining silent for a while, she carefully replied, “It was mynegligence. I should have told you at the first instance.”

Then, she quickly explained, “Byron, I do care about Estie. I was in a meeting just now. When Ireceived Ms. Sullivan’s call, I came right away before even finishing the meeting-“

Before she could finish, Byron interrupted impatiently, “If taking care of Estie is delaying the work inyour company, I won’t trouble you to take care of Estie anymore.”

Wendy was startled.

Byron’s condition for marrying her was to let Estelle accept her.

However, she could not let Estelle accept her if she could not even drive Estelle back and forth fromkindergarten.novelbin

In that cas, her marriage with Byron would be out of the question.

“Byron, give me another chance. I’ll never let this happen again.”

Wendy reached out to grab Byron’s arm and begged him.

Byron dodged her grip and said, “I’ll announce the cancelation of our engagement if this happensagain.”

That left Wendy in shock.

However, she then realized Byron was giving her another chance.

Wendy heaved a sigh of relief and nodded her head again and again.

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