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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139 Furious

Rosalie felt relieved.

In her opinion, although Estie looked a little out of place, these children were still enthusiastic towardher and urged her to play together.

However, she did not let down her concerns completely when she saw that Estie seemed to be yellingamidst the crowd.

The children who were running around also stopped one by one.

Rosalie’s heart tightened slightly, and she looked toward Ms. Sullivan.

Obviously, something had gone wrong on Estie’s side. Ms. Sullivan should be able to see it too.

Unexpectedly, the child on Ms. Sullivan’s side was still crying non-stop. Although Ms. Sullivan noticedthe commotion on Estie’s side, she was preoccupied.

Rosalie had no choice but to turn her gaze back again and looked at Estie worriedly.

The little girl lowered her head, looking at her little hand on her lap as she gently rubbed it with herother hand.

It was not clear from Rosalie’s point of view, but from the little girl’s actions, she must have injured herhand.

This realization stabbed Rosalie in her heart, but she did not think much about it. She just thought itwas the children who were careless.

In the classroom, the situation was entirely different.

Estie rubbed her injured hand aggrievedly. Her mouth was tightly pursed, and her little face was full ofdispleasure.

These children all treated her like a freak from her performance on the first day.

Estie did not bother to play with them and had hardly spoken in the past two days.

As a result, these children called her ‘Little Mute’ and ‘Little Monster’. They tried their best to get her totalk and even made fun of her.

The more they pushed, the more Estie resisted.

Today, things took a turn for the worse.

When recess came, a group of children sang a jingle they had made up while going around Estie. Theykept singing and circling around her.

Estie wanted to cover her ears, but one of the little girls stepped on her hand on purpose.

“Wow, she’s really mute!”

The little girl who just stepped on her foot deliberately spoke louder when she saw that Estie did notspeak despite the pain from being trampled on.

Immediately afterward, there was an echo of taunts.

Estie lowered his head, feeling aggrieved in her heart.

She missed the brothers.novelbin

‘If the little brothers were here, they would definitely stand up and protect me now…’

“Hey, speak up, it’s not like we’ll eat you.” Another little girl stretched out her hand and pushed Estie.

Estie staggered unexpectedly and wobbled a few times before she found a foothold.

‘I don’t want to talk to these nasty children!’

“If you don’t like our kindergarten, why did you transfer? Do you think we like you very much?”

“A mute person should go to a kindergarten for the disabled. Why did you come to our kindergarten?”

“I heard that she doesn’t have a mommy. No wonder she’s so weird.” it ft

The children chattered around Estie.

The little girl just pursed her lips and refused to talk to them.

When she heard them bring up her lack of a mommy, the little girl raised her head abruptly, her facefurious.

“I have a mommy!”

Hearing Estie’s sudden outburst, the children froze for a moment, and then their tone became moremalignant.

“That’s not your mommy, that’s your stepmother. I heard that stepmothers are evil!”

“Your mommy definitely doesn’t want you because you can’t speak. Who would like a mute?!”

Estie was already very sensitive toward the topic of her mother. Now when she heard these childrensay that her mother did not want her, Estie’s face became increasingly ugly.

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