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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1095

Chapter 1095 I Have Something On Tonightnovelbin

Mrs. Zora could stand it no more. She said aloud, “Miss Fuller, Little Lady must not have slept enough.Let her sleep for a while more.”

Estelle nodded cooperatively and yawned.

The little one looked harmless, and no one could say anything about it, even if she was clearly puttingon an act.

Anger flashed through Wendy’s eyes, but she managed to suppress it.

“I must have visited at a bad time. Estie, why don’t you return to your room and rest?”

Estelle was so relieved that she closed the door as soon as Wendy suggested that.

Watching the door close before her, the smile on Wendy’s face faded.

She wanted to teach Mrs. Zora a lesson. It was for saying what she should not have.

However, when she recalled what Mrs. Zora said, she knew it was Byron who asked Mrs. Zora to watchher when she spent time with Estelle.

Wendy felt she should put on a good act since she had already started her plan.

Wendy quickly adjusted her attitude and looked at Mrs. Zora.

“I’ll be visiting Estie these few days. I thought she liked cakes, and that’s why I bought one for her.However, she doesn’t seem to be interested in it. Mrs. Zora, you’ve been taking care of Estie for manyyears. Do you know what she likes?”

Then, she plastered a smile to please Mrs. Zora.

Mrs. Zora lowered her head. She did not like Wendy.

She had taken care of Little Lady for so many years, and over the years, Wendy would visit them fromtime to time.

However, it was only now she was asking what Estelle liked.

It was clear that she did not care about Estelle at all!

Wendy continued to put on her act. “I’ve neglected Estie before this and didn’t care about her feelings.All I did was give everything I liked to her. No wonder Estie doesn’t like me. I know my mistake now.Please let me know how to care for Estie, Mr. Zora.”

Wendy sounded sincere as though she had forgotten how harsh and mean she was to Mrs. Zorabefore this.

Mrs. Zora would never tell Wendy anything. “Little Lady doesn’t have anything she particularly likes. AllI always do is cook for her. So, I’m not sure what she likes.”

Wendy did not give up. ‘What does Estie likes to eat? I can learn how to cook that for her too.”

Mrs. Zora named a complicated dish on purpose.

Wendy’s forehead puckered.

It sounded troublesome. However, Wendy decided she could buy it if she could not cook it.

While heading downstairs, Mrs. Zora thought Wendy would bid farewell, yet Wendy sat on the sofa.

“I’m sure Estie won’t sleep for long. I’ll wait here until she wakes up.”

Then, Wendy took out her phone and messaged Andrea.

Naturally, she did not intend to wait for Estelle to wake up. All she wanted was to wait for Byron tocome back from work so she could show him she had visited.

Estelle did not come downstairs at all that day.

However, Byron called Mrs. Zora that evening.

Wendy watched Mrs. Zora talk on the phone until Mrs. Zora hung up the call. Then, she quickly asked,“What did Byron say? When will he be back?”

Mrs. Zora said, “Master said he’ll come back later in the evening and asked me to make sure Estie hasdinner first.”

Then, she asked Wendy about her plan, “Are you going to stay for dinner, Miss Fuller?”

Wendy got up from the sofa, looking a little displeased. “No. I’ve got something on tonight.”

When she left, she did not forget to remind Mrs. Zora. ‘Tell Estie I’ve left when she comes downstairslater.”

Mrs. Zora respectfully agreed and watched Wendy leave.

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