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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026 How Does She Feel About You

Lawrence Corporation, President’s Office.

Andrius sat across from Byron with a teasing face.

“I heard that the medicinal materials from Heronial Corporation’s overseas branch have beentransported back to Coast City.”

Byron nodded noncommittally.

Andrius laughed. “At that time I suggested that you help, but you kept saying that you wouldn’t help.What happened?”

He thought his buddy was absolutely ruthless and ignored Rosalie.

In the end, Byron still stepped in.

After that, Andrius became concerned about the relationship between the two of them again.

“How is it? Now that you became her knight in shining armor for this, how did Dr. Jacobs react?”

He should have kept his mouth shut, but now that the words left him, his best friend’s face sankimmediately.

For a long while, Andrius got no answer, then only he realized he may have said the wrong thing.

Judging by Byron’s appearance, the relationship between the two had not improved. On the contrary, itwas worse than before.

‘That shouldn’t be…’

Andrius was completely puzzled.

Byron glanced at him. “We haven’t been in touch for nearly a week.”

The surprise on Andrius’s face was an understatement.

“Why? What happened?”

While speaking, Andrius’s scrutinizing eyes wandered back and forth on the man opposite.

The only possibility he could think of was that his buddy was upset with Rosalie again, or did somethingto make Rosalie angry.

After all, it was his buddy who initiated the pursuit.

Byron could guess what he was thinking just by looking at his face.

Seeing that his best friend had the same thoughts as Estie, Byron was helpless for a while.

“I don’t know why.”

After a while, Byron said helplessly, “I thought I had done enough, but ever since my mother took Estiehome the last time, that woman started avoiding me again. I was sick in bed last week, and she knew Iwas sick, but she didn’t care.”

Andrius was even more surprised.

He thought that his best friend’s situation was miserable enough. Unexpectedly, Byron’s voice rang outagain.

“Besides, I sent them the medicinal materials they needed according to what you said, yet she nevercontacted me.”

Hearing this, Andrius could not help it. “Not even a word of thanks?”

Byron’s lip twitched in irony.

‘Not only did she not say thanks, the little woman’s phone called was also picked up by someone else.’1

Andrius mumbled to himself. “It shouldn’t be…You have done so much, even if it is a stone, it should bewarmed up by now, Dr. Jacobs is…”novelbin

‘How could she be indifferent?’

Byron’s voice was disappointed. “What else can I do?”

Hearing his brother’s tone, Andrius could not help feeling guilty and anxious.

‘During this time, most of Byron’s pursuit of Rosalie was planned by me.’

‘If all these efforts go to waste with no results, I cannot get away with it!’

‘Moreover, Rosalie was indeed his favorite candidate as the young wife of the Lawrence family, so hecould not just let her slip away.’

‘But after some thought over what Byron said just now, Rosalie had truly given up on him.’

‘Otherwise, if she knew that Byron had fallen seriously ill, at the very least, she would make a phonecall just to check on him.’

‘Rosalie acted as if she did not know, not even a word of greeting.’

Thinking of this, Andrius carefully looked at his best friend’s face and said what was in his heart.

“Byron, in your opinion, how does Miss Jacobs always feel about you?”

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