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My Ex-Wife And Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008 Come to Visit

Xander had been looking at her and noticed the flustered expression on her face.

“I took your call without permission. I was a little rude. I hope you don’t mind, Miss Jacobs.”

Rosalie smiled casually and said, it’s okay.”

Xander was still testing Rosalie out. “I don’t know why President Lawrence called you. I asked him, buthe refused to say anything to me.”

Rosalie shook her head. ì have no idea.”

Xander lifted his eyebrows meaningfully.

Rosalie thought she had hidden her emotions well, but he had seen everything through herexpressions.

The change in the expression on her face from the moment she came in was so noticeable.

The call did cause quite a stir in her mind.

It seemed that… Byron was someone special to Rosalie.

Realizing this, Xander had a playful thought in mind.

Meanwhile, Luther looked at Byron with fear in the president’s office of Lawrence Corporation’sbuilding.

After Byron hung up the call… Well, after the person from the other end of the call spoke, Byronseemed to be in a bad mood.

His gaze was cold and scary.

Knowing Byron’s temper, Luther knew keeping his mouth shut would be the best now.

However, that was impossible.

“I…” Luther carefully asked, “How should we deal with that batch of medicine?”

When Byron fell ill a few days ago, he asked Luther to collect the medicines from HeronialCorporation’s branches.

At first, Luther had no idea why Byron requested that.

However, he realized what was on Byron’s mind after that call.

The first thing that came to his mind was that Byron was helping Rosalie settle her problems. EvenLuther was touched on behalf of Rosalie.

Unfortunately, the wrong person answered the phone, and Byron failed to proceed with his goodintention.

Luther could not help but feel pity for his boss.

He thought Byron would take back his help due to anger.

Unexpectedly, after a moment of silence, Luther heard Byron speaking.

“Send it over to her.”

Byron sounded like he was suppressing his anger.

The answer startled Luther.

He even doubted if he was hearing things.

Byron was already so angry, yet he still decided to help Rosalie.

Luther hesitated to carry out the order.

Byron noticed Luther was still in the room and said coldly, “Why are you still here?”

Luther straightened his back and quickly answered, “Yes, sir. I’ll do it right away!”

Then, he quickly turned around and walked out of the office.

In the office, Byron stared at his dark phone screen and seemed annoyed.

These days, Estelle had been waiting, expecting Rosalie to come to his house to cure him. She evenrequested to sleep late so she would not miss the chance to meet Rosalie.

Byron knew the little girl had told Lucian and Nox about his illness.

It was no doubt that the little boys would tell their mommy about it and ask her to visit him.

Seeing the little girl looking forward to it, Byron also secretly began to look forward to it.

Unexpectedly, Rosalie did not even give him a call when he was ill all week.

He would not have known Rosalie was spending time with Xander again if he had not called. 1

Byron felt ridiculous about his prior expectations.novelbin

He should have known work had always been a priority for Rosalie.

Maybe it was because she could work with Xander, which made it so important to her.

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