My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 983: Selfish
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Chapter 983: Selfish

Chapter 983: Selfish

The housekeeper quickly nodded and said, "Yes, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Ward watched a movie

together and fell asleep."

Ayan furrowed his brow slightly, his expression somewhat stiff, and his voice became hoarse as he

asked, "They fell asleep while watching a movie?"

"Yes, indeed. Mrs. Ward came over in the morning, and after lunch, they watched a movie and have

been sleeping for over an hour now. We didn't want to disturb them," the housekeeper explained. She

then allowed Ayan to enter the house and escorted him to the living room.

Inside the spacious living room, both women were nestled in separate corners of the large and

comfortable sofa, so there was no discomfort at all. They had relaxed and rested well after watching

the movie for an extended period. Ayan sighed with relief upon seeing this scene.

Initially, he had thought that Camille had intentionally stood him up and had no intention of talking to

him. But finding out it wasn't the case made him very happy.

He watched Camille for a while, then the housekeeper discreetly asked, "Mr. Simpson, would you like

me to wake them up?"

"No need, go about your business," Ayan replied.

Both women were covered with blankets, so there was no risk of catching a cold.

Ayan approached the spot where Camille was sleeping, and he looked down at her on the couch. Her

face was flushed and cute, making him unable to resist reaching out and gently touching her. A warm

smile appeared in his eyes, and a clear curve formed on his thin lips. He then bent down, took the

blanket, and lifted her up, holding her in his arms.

Camille almost immediately woke up when she felt herself being lifted. As she saw Ayan, her eyes

widened with surprise and a hint of panic. She instinctively tried to break free from his hold, but Ayan

gently restrained her. His gaze was filled with warmth, and his voice was gentle as he said, "Shh,novelbin

Sienna is also asleep. Do you want to wake her up?"

Camille blinked, then quickly ceased her struggle when she realized the situation. However, the

stiffness in her face remained.

Seeing that she wasn't resisting anymore, Ayan said, "Don't worry, I'll take you back home. Sienna is

still asleep, and we don't want to disturb her, right?"

Camille gave a slight nod, and Ayan proceeded to carry her out of Sienna's place. Their residential

area had good security and privacy, so they wouldn't encounter anyone else along the way. It was an

area where only their two families lived.

However, even though there were no other residents around, the servants in both houses had sharp


By the time Camille fully regained her senses, she was already being carried back to their own

bedroom by Ayan. He gently placed her on the bed, then crouched down in front of her. He raised his

deep gaze to meet her eyes, his voice low and gentle as he said, "Are you awake now? If not, you can

sleep a bit longer, alright?"

Camille pressed her lips together, her gaze somewhat vacant as she looked at Ayan. Her reaction was

a bit sluggish, and it took several seconds before she responded, "I'm awake."

"Do you still want to go out for dinner?"


"Alright, I'll wait for you to change your clothes. Once you're ready, we can go out. Okay?"

"Okay," Camille replied with a gentle nod.

Ayan raised his hand and brushed away a few loose strands of hair from Camille's face. Then he stood

up and left the bedroom. Camille sat quietly on the bed, and after a few minutes, she got up and

walked to the dressing room.

Camille didn't intend to put on makeup since it was getting late. She quickly chose a light-colored long

dress and paired it with a matching coat. Opting for comfortable flat shoes instead of heels, she left her

long black hair cascading down her shoulders. The overall look gave her a gentle and elegant


This took only about ten minutes. Camille then picked up her phone and walked downstairs.

During her descent, she sent a text message to Sienna.

Sienna replied almost instantly, including a screenshot of the surveillance footage from her house. She

teased, "Tsk tsk, Mr. Simpson is being quite domineering, isn't he? Personally carrying you home, as if

he doesn't consider me a person at all."

Camille looked at the screenshot, her expression somewhat awkward. She pressed her lips together

and sent a voice message, saying softly, "Could you please delete that? If you still want to be my


She hadn't expected Ayan to carry her back home directly. At that moment, she shouldn't have been

concerned about disturbing Sienna and should have struggled instead. But now, regrets wouldn't

change the situation.

As Camille descended from upstairs, Ayan was waiting on the couch. Upon seeing Camille, he

immediately got up and walked toward her. Instead of reaching out to hold her hand as he had done

before, he stood nearby, gazing at her gently. "Shall we go?" he asked.

Camille nodded gently and followed Ayan out.

Ayan drove, and Camille sat in the passenger seat. During the drive, both of them remained mostly

silent, making the atmosphere somewhat uncomfortable.

Thankfully, the journey wasn't long, taking about half an hour to reach their destination.

It was quite late for dinner, and most people were already dining. Camille and Ayan were among the

late diners. However, Ayan had made a reservation, so they could sit down and order their meals right


They sat in a cozy corner by the window, with ample space around them for privacy.

Camille ordered a half-portion of steak with a small portion of salad. She wasn't fond of desserts or

other main courses. Ayan ordered a few appetizers that matched her taste.

Ayan was attentive and gentlemanly as he served the dishes. He looked at Camille with a warm

expression and said, "Take your time, no need to rush."

Camille nodded and softly replied, "Thank you."

Ayan's brow slightly furrowed upon hearing those two words, which he didn't particularly like. However,

in the current atmosphere, he didn't say much. He simply squinted his eyes slightly, showing a gentle


After finishing their main course, Ayan had the plates cleared and ordered two cups of coffee. The

atmosphere felt excessively quiet and subdued.

Ayan squinted his eyes slightly, his expression somewhat subdued. He turned his gaze away from the

nighttime scenery outside and looked directly at Camille. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips

as he asked, "Is there something you want to say?"

His question was rather direct, and Camille's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

She paused for a moment before responding with a question of her own, "And you?"

Ayan's deep, contemplative gaze remained, and his voice became husky as he said, "I'm sorry. I

realize I acted selfishly. I made a decision without considering your feelings, and I knew that once you

found out, you wouldn't accept it. Regardless of my reasons for that decision, I apologize."

Camille lightly pursed her lips, her expression slightly tense. Faced with Ayan's apologetic words, she

couldn't be completely unfeeling. She remained silent for a few seconds before speaking softly, "I never

thought you would make such a decision. That's why I had always thought that we were truly divorced."

Ayan continued to watch her, his expression somewhat heavy. He spoke in a cold tone, "I was selfish."

"Yes, you were selfish," Camille softly echoed. She continued, "Have you ever thought about the

consequences? If it's impossible between us and I want to marry someone else, wouldn't I be breaking

the law? This could lead to legal consequences."

Camille's words drifted lightly into Ayan's ears, causing his brows to furrow slightly, and his expression

turned colder.

He coldly asked, "You want to marry someone else?"

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