My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 981: Deadlock
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Chapter 981: Deadlock

Chapter 981: Deadlock

Ayan squinted his eyes, gazing out of the window with indifference. His voice remained dispassionate

as he said, "Let's see how he handles it. If he doesn't adjust his attitude, Simpson Group will withdraw

from this project completely, and we won't need to cooperate with him again."

Kian nodded lightly, "Do you think Mr. Bell will really take your warning to heart? Won't he worry that

after he offends Mr. Mikkola, you might also ignore him?"

His face remained cold, and his voice was as cool as water, "That depends on whether he has any

basic trust in me."

If Mr. Bell couldn't understand, then he would continue to be threatened by Mr. Mikkola, after all, the

choice was in his hands.

It was getting late, and Ayan pushed the door open and got out of the car. He gave Kian a gentle

reminder, "If Mr. Bell contacts you, make sure he shows sincerity."

"Alright," Kian replied softly.

Ayan headed towards the entrance of the building, and Kian revved the engine, making a U-turn to

leave Maple Leaves Mansion.

That night, the online world was buzzing with gossip. Those keyboard warriors who loved drama hastily

issued apologies and pinned them to the top of their posts.

However, some were still fearful, while others remained unafraid.

Those who refused to apologize were adamant, "I don't believe Simpson Group is innocent. I don't

believe that all of this has nothing to do with Simpson Group. They're just trying to confuse us with this

stunt. They want us to shut up, and then Simpson Group can get away with everything."

These resolute non-apologists were prepared to confront Simpson Group, but sometimes,

confrontation came with costs. If they lacked the means and money, then this kind of confrontation

would lead to their own demise.

However, most people immediately apologized and claimed they were just venting, with no evidence in

their possession.

These were the typical "talk but won't walk the talk" type of people.

While the online world was in turmoil, the atmosphere in a certain luxury hotel suite was also heated.

Mr. Bell was smoking, his face extremely grim as he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the

living room. His phone on the coffee table kept ringing incessantly, but he showed no intention of


Mrs. Bell glanced at the notes on the phone screen from the corner of her eye, her expression subtly

tense. She spoke in a cold, detached tone, "You should answer the phone first."

Mr. Bell showed no sign of moving or any intention to answer.

Mrs. Bell's voice remained calm, "Not answering the phone won't solve anything. If she's in a hurry or

does something you wouldn't want to see, that wouldn't be good, right?"

Mr. Bell hesitated briefly, then extinguished his cigarette and picked up the phone to answer.novelbin

On the other end, an anxious female voice spoke, "Why did it take you so long to answer my call? Is

the situation on the internet still not resolved? Could it be related to you? I'm worried about you. Will

Simpson Group cause trouble for you? You can't afford any problems, or what will happen to me and

the baby?"

The woman's voice sounded gentle, but in moments of impatience, even gentle individuals paid no

attention to their tone.

Mrs. Bell listened attentively to their conversation, not missing a word. Her expression grew even

colder as she waited, anticipating what Mr. Bell would say next.

Mr. Bell placed the phone down after the call and sat in the empty seat opposite Mrs. Bell. Their gazes

met, and his expression remained icy. He asked, "Is this Ayan's decision, or is it Camille acting on her


"They are married, so what's the difference?" Mrs. Bell asked with a hint of indifference.

Mr. Bell, however, remained unconvinced. He said, "If it's Ayan's decision, then I would definitely do it

because that's what Ayan wants. But now, it's only Camille who's saying it. That doesn't mean it's

Ayan's choice, right?"

"Why do you just not understand what I mean? They are a married couple, Camille's thoughts are

Ayan's thoughts, what's the difference?" Mrs. Bell's tone grew colder as she looked at Mr. Bell.

"Actually, I have nothing to do with everything that's happening now. I just don't want everything we've

built together to end up with nothing. As for what you decide, it's your business, and it has nothing to do

with me."

Having said her piece, Mrs. Bell stood up from the sofa and looked at Mr. Bell with a faint, distant gaze.

"I've said everything I needed to say. What you do next is up to you."

Mrs. Bell left the room. She had come to see him after her conversation with Camille, simply because

she didn't want him to sink even deeper.

In truth, Mrs. Bell agreed with what Camille had said to her. She understood very well that in this world,

the person who could truly help you was yourself.

If you weren't willing to help yourself, how could you expect others to help you?

As for whether Mr. Bell had taken her words to heart, she no longer cared. After returning to her room,

she immediately booked the nearest flight back to her home country. Once she had taken care of her

personal matters, she intended to settle down in Hance for a while.

She liked Hance very much, especially since she had met Camille. Despite the significant age

difference, she found Camille to be a girl worth befriending.

Mr. Bell was unaware of what she was planning to do. After all, she had no intention of telling him.

The unrest of this night was inevitable. Both individuals and media were busy issuing apologies and

crafting statements. Some were trying to distance themselves. However, could this kind of busyness

really absolve them of responsibility for what they had said?

The answer was, of course, no.

Don't think that just because it's on the internet, you can say and do anything without consequences.

The internet also has a memory, and Simpson Group had collected enough evidence to shut up those

who had spoken recklessly. Some with weaker nerves might even decide to quit the internet altogether.

This night was indeed eventful. In just a day and a night, it felt like the world had gone through half a


Early the next morning, Kian arrived at Maple Leaves Mansion to pick up Ayan, as usual. As they got

into the car, Kian drove while saying, "Mr. Simpson, last night at around one in the morning, Mr. Bell

called me."

Ayan didn't react strongly, as he had anticipated this. His voice remained warm and calm as he asked,

"What did he say?"

Kian replied, "He's willing to cooperate and has decided to make this matter public. However, he hopes

to use our Simpson Group's public relations team."

"Alright," Ayan said, looking out of the window. There was no visible emotion in his deep gaze as he

continued, "Then tell him that if he's already decided, there's no need for further delay. It's better to

resolve this matter sooner rather than later."

Kian nodded and said, "I've already told him. He hopes to do it today."

"Very well, you can arrange it."

"Okay," Kian acknowledged with a nod.

A while later, Ayan arrived at the company. The online situation had been resolved, and he had no

intention of responding more. However, a few media outlets with good relations with Simpson Group

wanted to interview him regarding what happened yesterday. Ayan instructed Kian to handle the

interviews, considering it as a way to boost Simpson Group's publicity.

As Kian handled these matters on Ayan's behalf, he found himself with some free time. He sat at his

desk with his phone, lost in thought for a while.

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