My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 972: Spreading
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Chapter 972: Spreading

Chapter 972: Spreading

"Now, what good does it do to speak up now? It'll only make things worse, and it might backfire in the

end," Ayan said in a detached tone, sitting upright. His gaze turned slightly to look out of the window as

he continued, his voice tinged with weariness, "What's the latest from Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr.


Kian shook his head. "There hasn't been any news so far."

Ayan gave a cold hum, his expression growing even more distant. He mused, "The news spread so

quickly online. Did they truly not see it, or are they pretending not to know?"

The former seemed unlikely, given the era of the internet. They couldn't possibly be unaware of the

online discussions. If they were, it suggested they were feigning ignorance, perhaps even hoping that

Simpson Group would take the blame, sparing them any risks or consequences.

With these thoughts in mind, Ayan's face grew even colder.

Kian whispered, "I suspect Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. Mikkola have already received the news. They

might be waiting to see how we handle it."

Ayan's emotions remained subdued as he let out a disdainful snort. His eyes bore a hint of coldness. "If

they think they can make me take the blame, they should think again."

He instructed Kian in an indifferent tone, "Record all the media outlets and people involved in smearing

Simpson Group this time. Whether it's companies or individuals, everyone who led the smear

campaign needs to face consequences. I want public apologies staying at top in their official accounts

for six months and compensation."

Kian nodded in acknowledgment, saying, "Very well, I understand your intentions. I'll have our lawyers

draft the compensation demands."

"No need to draft. One dollar for compensation is enough. What I want is an attitude and a reminder

that they can't escape legal responsibility just by talking nonsense online."

At this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, Simpson Group appeared to be in turmoil, like ants on a hot

plate. However, the reality was that Simpson Group was calm and unaffected by the situation.

Everything was proceeding smoothly.

Camille, of course, had seen the news about this incident as well. It had gone viral online, spreading


Talia, who was in the countryside, called Camille. She had no idea about Camille's current situation

with Ayan and only reached out because she was worried that Ayan might be too busy to answer the


Talia expressed her concerns to Camille. "Cami, how did something like this happen all of a sudden?

Wasn't the charity project already finished and they were starting to promote it? How did our company

get caught up in this controversy?"

Although Camille wasn't sure about the current situation, she had some knowledge of the matter. She

quickly reassured Talia, "Mom, don't worry. There's nothing wrong. Please tell Grandpa and Dad not to

worry either. This isn't a problem with Simpson Group; it's just an unexpected situation with Mr. and

Mrs. Bell. But Ayan is in the drive right now, so I don't have all the details. Since Simpson Group hasn't

made any statements yet, I assume Ayan has other plans in mind."

Talia was on a hands-free call, so Fletcher and the old Simpson also heard. The old Simpson

expressed his concern, saying, "With such a massive public outcry, and he still hasn't acted. If this

drags on, it won't be good for Simpson Group. Are you with him now?"

Camille greeted them and then replied, "No, I'm at home!"

The old Simpson said, "Cami, go to the company and tell him that this matter must be dealt with as

soon as possible. Don't delay. Even if it has nothing to do with Simpson Group, it still needs to be

resolved quickly. Otherwise, Simpson Group can't bear such a big risk."

Her face froze as soon as the old Simpson spoke, and her eyes stared blankly, not knowing what to

say for a moment, so she remained silent.

Not hearing her response, the old Simpson called her name in a low voice, "Cami?"

Camille replied softly, "Yes, Grandpa, I'm here!"

The old Simpson said, "Go to Simpson Group now and deliver my message clearly. Even if you call him

now, he's probably too busy to answer. If he does answer, it'll likely be his secretary. Only if you go and

talk to him in person will he probably listen."

The old Simpson's request left Camille with no room to refuse. If she refused, the old Simpson would

definitely become anxious and suspicious, wondering if there was a conflict between her and Ayan.

So, she reluctantly agreed and said in a low voice, "Alright, I understand. I'll go now."

The old Simpson replied, "Good, I feel relieved with you here."

After discussing this matter, Talia spoke privately with Camille for a while. Talia said, "We might have to

go back soon."

Camille was surprised and asked, "So soon? Weren't you and Dad planning to stay there with Grandpa

for a while longer?"

"Your Grandpa's health isn't very good. While the air here is better, medical facilities in Hance are more

convenient. Both your father and I are worried. What if something happens?"

Talia's voice was filled with worry and unease. Camille quickly reassured her, "Mom, Grandpa will be

fine. I could hear the strength in his voice when we talked today. He'll definitely live a long life. But your

concerns are valid. While the countryside is nice, it's not very convenient. If you decide to come back,

just let me know, and I'll arrange everything at the Simpson's mansion."

"Alright, we'll let you know when we've decided on a time. How's Timmy? Is he behaving? Does he

miss me? I haven't had a video call with him these past few days. Let's make time to see him tonight!"

Talia missed Timmy a lot, as he was her only grandson. Talia had been spending a lot of time with

Timmy as he grew up. During those days when they were in the countryside, she had trouble sleeping

almost every night, constantly thinking about Timmy. Camille said, "You can video call with his nanny

directly. Timmy stayed at the Simpson's mansion last night because I've been busy these past few

days, so I asked Nanny to keep him company at the mansion."

Camille didn't explain further, and Talia didn't think much about it.

After their conversation, Camille changed into different clothes and took her medication again before

driving to Simpson Group.

On her way to Simpson Group, her feelings were quite complex. Although she had seen him just last

night, she still felt somewhat awkward and anxious.

Camille bit her lip lightly, her grip on the steering wheel tightening involuntarily. Her face showed signs

of nervousness.

After a while, she entered Simpson Group's parking lot.

As she passed by the main entrance of Simpson Group, she noticed that there were quite a few medianovelbin

personnel and reporters gathered there, all here because of the online controversy.

Anyone or any company associated with charity had faced varying degrees of condemnation due to the

discussions and criticisms online.

Camille had seen a lot of these comments and questions online, and some of them were downright


She sighed heavily and then opened the car door and got out.

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