My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 965 Deception
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Chapter 965 Deception

Chapter 965 Deception

Camille looked at him with indifference, her gaze turning cold. She was asking herself the same


Could she blame Ayan?

No, she couldn't.

She was clear that she couldn't blame him.

Because this matter didn't fit the description of blame, and it couldn't be summed up with a simple

blame or not blame.

What concerned her was the deception, and the fact that such a huge scheme had been concealed

from her. It was an elaborate deception.

She said, "The reason you didn't want Cora to be out of your sight and control is that you were afraid

she would tell Preston about this, right?"

Ayan's expression grew solemn, but he didn't deny it. "Yes, that was my intention."

"But what you don't know is that Cora contacted me on her own. In fact, she called me a few days ago.

Although she didn't tell me what it was about, I could guess that it had something to do with us."

Camille had asked Ayan more than once if he was keeping something from her. Ayan's answers had

always been vague and unsatisfactory. She felt confused and was not willing to give up on this matter.

Without waiting for Ayan to respond, she continued, "I need some time alone."

"Okay, I'll move out. I can stay at the Simpson's mansion or Maple Leaves Mansion nearby. You can

stay here with Timmy. Please don't move out, alright?" His tone carried a hint of command, but it was

mostly a plea.

Ayan was afraid that Camille would refuse, so he spoke before she could reject his proposal. "I don't

mean anything else, and I'm not making decisions on my own. Timmy has gotten used to living here,

and everything is more convenient. If you don't stay here, would you really leave Timmy behind? Or

would you want to take Timmy to live in an apartment or hotel in Maple Leaves Mansion? That would

be too troublesome."

He finished speaking and stood up, looking down at the woman sitting on the sofa. "I'm leaving now,

not to test you or frame you."

Ayan actually left, not waiting for Camille's response. He left behind the suitcase he had brought with

him at the entrance but didn't take it with him.

The sound of a car starting outside gradually brought Camille back to her senses. She stared out of the

window with an expression that was a mix of warmth and coldness and asked herself, "Is this going too


But there was no hesitation, and she received her answer almost instantly.

She wasn't going too far.

She hadn't driven Ayan away, and she hadn't thought about moving out herself. She simply wanted

both of them to cool down. After all, the matter had reached her bottom line, and she couldn't pretend it

was insignificant.

She pressed her lips tightly, feeling uneasy.

She was conflicted and confused, unsure of what to do.

Camille sat like that for a long time until the doorbell rang, bringing her back to reality.

She got up and opened the door. Sienna, dressed in casual home attire, stood at the entrance. She

stared at Camille cautiously, her lips slightly pursed, and asked in a soft voice, "Did you have a fight

with Ayan?"

Camille asked, "Did he go to your place?"

"We just met. He called Rex out for a drink. They talked for a while, and he invited Rex. A hundred

percent, you guys had a fight."

"We didn't fight." Camille didn't consider it a fight; it was more like a questioning.

If it had been a real fight, they wouldn't be so calm now.

Camille invited Sienna inside, and they sat on the couch. The spacious room fell silent. Sienna's eyes

remained fixed on Camille, and she hesitated, as if struggling to find the right words.

After countless moments passed, Camille finally noticed Sienna's unease and said, "If you have

something to ask, just say it. Don't hold back."

Sienna didn't immediately speak but shifted her position, moving closer to Camille's side. She leaned

against Camille's shoulder and asked in a voice that sounded like a child admitting a mistake, "Cami,

what exactly did you fight with Mr. Simpson about?"

"We didn't fight."

"Okay, not a fight. But what happened between you two?" She continued to ask.

Camille didn't respond. Instead, she asked a question of her own, "Sienna, if Rex had deceived you for

a long time, even going to great lengths to prevent the deception from being exposed, would you

forgive him?"

Sienna was taken aback, completely stiffening and unable to move. Camille noticed her unusual

reaction and asked, "Why are you reacting so strongly?"

Sienna replied in a low voice, "I don't know if I would forgive him. Because until something actually

happens, we never know how the person involved feels and what their situation is like."

"Yes, you're right."

"Cami, I need to confess something to you."

"What is it?"

"The matter between you and Ayan." Sienna found it difficult to speak. She had initially cooperated with

Ayan, thinking it was for Camille's good. However, Camille's words had made her realize that it was

essential for the person involved to accept it.

After hearing Sienna's words, Camille's brows furrowed instantly. She turned her gaze towards Sienna,

her voice filled with questioning. "So, don't tell me you've known all along that I never actually divorcednovelbin


Sienna, on the verge of tears, explained, "I... I did know, but not for very long. I found out when you and

Ayan came to see me in Flento."

Sienna went on to describe how she had been threatened by Mario and Ayan then confessed to her

about Camille's marital situation. She said, "I know these are all excuses, and I'm not trying to absolve

myself using this explanation."

"If that's the case, why say all of this?" Camille's expression remained cold. She ignored Sienna's

tearful face, her eyes sharp as she continued, "You can leave now. I don't want to see you right now."

"Cami, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I didn't think too much at the time. I just thought it

was your marriage with Mr. Simpson, and you both needed to work it out on your own. I didn't consider

that it would be seen as deception by you. I'm really sorry!"

Camille remained silent. She hadn't expected Sienna to know as well. After thinking about it carefully,

she realized that she had mentioned about her remarriage on multiple occasions, saying Ayan hadn't

been taking any action. She knew Sienna wouldn't mock her, but her own pride prevented her from

pretending as if nothing had happened.

The atmosphere remained quiet, and Sienna dared not speak further. She sat silently, not making any


Since they had known each other, there had been little disagreement between them. A moment like this

was the first time.

After a while, Sienna couldn't bear it any longer. She reached out and gently tugged on Camille's

sleeve, speaking softly, "Cami, don't ignore me. Please don't be angry. I know I made a mistake. I won't

do it again, I promise. Please don't be silent, okay?"

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