My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 963: Loss
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Chapter 963: Loss

Chapter 963: Loss

"I haven't been ignoring you. If I were, I wouldn't be answering this call right now. Don't overthink it. I'm

just a bit tired. Let's talk when you're back," Camille said.

Camille clearly didn't want to continue the conversation. From her words, it was evident that her

emotions were directed towards Ayan. If it were any other matter, she would have been more

straightforward. But when it came to something related to Ayan, she couldn't ignore it.

Ayan asked, "Are you genuinely tired, or do you just not want to talk to me? What happened that

caused such a significant change overnight?"

Camille didn't immediately respond to his inquiry. Instead, she remained silent for about ten seconds

before speaking softly, "What do you think it is?"

Her response was a question in return, and it only made Ayan more convinced that something was

amiss. He couldn't have expected anything else.

"I don't know. Can you tell me?" Ayan asked.

"Ayan, have you ever lied to me?" Camille didn't beat around the bush; instead, she suddenly posed

this question. It caught Ayan off guard, and his expression froze. Before he could respond, Camille

continued, "If you find it difficult to answer or haven't figured out how to, let's discuss it when you


Ayan paused, and his expression grew even graver. He replied in a hoarse voice, "There's nothing to

hide. I've told you that you can ask me anything. Don't believe what others say."

"I haven't believed anyone else. I only believe in my own eyes and ears," Camille said with a touch of

coldness. "As for the rest, we'll talk about it when you're ready. When you return."

Camille believed that it might be better to discuss these matters face-to-face because some things

could only be clarified in person.

Camille's attitude was crystal clear, and Ayan didn't want to end it there. He asked tentatively, "So,

what's the matter? Can't we discuss it openly?"

"I already asked you, didn't I? You didn't answer," Camille responded.

"What do you mean by 'have I ever lied to you'? What exactly are you asking?" Ayan furrowed his

brows, looking somewhat burdened.

Camille explained, "It means exactly what it sounds like. If you don't understand, forget it."

"Cami, can't we have a proper conversation?" Ayan asked.

"How do you expect me to have a proper conversation with you? Ayan, I've said it countless times-I

don't want to be deceived, I don't want to be kept in the dark. I despise being deceived. Do you think

I'm just saying these things, or do you think I mean them?" Camille's emotions were getting heated, as

she truly loathed the feeling of being deceived. Being deceived, especially by someone close, made

her extremely uncomfortable. It felt like something was squeezing her heart tightly, causing her to

struggle to breathe.

Camille took a silent, deep breath, and her expression turned unusually cold. She held her breath,

waiting for Ayan's response.

At this point, she had made her stance crystal clear, and Ayan couldn't hold onto any hope.

He spoke softly, "I can explain."

"So, is it true?" Camille's tone was filled with questioning, and her beautiful face was shrouded in an icy

demeanor. Her eyes gleamed with a piercing coldness as she said, "Do you think I'm just a game to


Ayan immediately denied, "It's not like that. I never had such intentions. I... " His voice carried an

unusual sense of panic and nervousness, and his words came out hoarse, "I just didn't want to truly

lose you, so I had no choice but to do this."

"But have you ever thought that this isn't what I want? What you did isn't about fearing the loss of me;

it's about satisfying your own selfish desires. You never considered my feelings. You simply wanted to

keep me within the confines of your plans because you didn't want them disrupted by anyone else. This

is pure selfishness on your part."

Every word from Camille was filled with indifference, and no one could fathom her emotions after

hearing those words. Even though she didn't believe him, she couldn't find a reason not to believe.

There wasn't even a suitable excuse he could use to justify his actions.

Ayan clenched his lips tightly, his face veiled in seriousness. His voice lowered, "I never thought that

way. I just..."

Ayan was now at a loss for words because he realized that no matter what he said, Camille might not

believe him, and he felt like he was constantly defending himself.

Camille's distrust had taken root in her heart, and even though she loved him, it was generating

emotions that were difficult to control.

He whispered, "Can we talk about this when I get back? Can we discuss this properly? I'll rush back

right now. Please don't be angry, and don't leave without telling me. Let me come back, and we can

have a real conversation. Is that okay?"

Ayan earnestly requested, his hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, his face weighed down

by heaviness.novelbin

Camille frowned as well and replied softly, "It's late, and it's not safe. Besides, it's not just a short walk

away. There's no rush for now. Finish your work and come back later. I won't leave. I hope you can give

me an explanation about this matter."

"Alright," he replied.

The call ended there, without the usual reluctance, and not even a goodbye.

After hanging up, both of them sat in silence, motionless. Camille gently held her phone, her gaze

shifting to the pitch-black night outside the window. Her emotions were indescribable in words.

She took a deep breath and, although she lay back on her bed, she didn't sleep the entire night. She

merely closed her eyes and tried to relax.

On the other end, Ayan was experiencing the same restlessness. Since his call with Camille, he had

been sitting on the sofa, smoking one cigarette after another. It wasn't until the early hours of the

morning that he called Kian, instructing him to leave for the downtown airport.

They had already booked the earliest flight, but since it wasn't a direct flight, they needed to depart for

the neighboring city to catch a flight back to Hance.

Ayan stepped into the car with a lingering scent of smoke, his eyes showing clear signs of fatigue. He

was pale and unshaven, giving him a worn-out appearance. It was evident that he hadn't slept a wink.

Kian was surprised by his condition and asked in a hushed tone, "Mr. Simpson, did you not sleep well?"

Ayan didn't reply, but his expression remained somber. He said, "What we've been trying to prevent

has already happened."

Kian was slow to grasp the situation, but seeing Ayan's reaction and combining it with his words, he

finally understood.

"Does Preston know about it?" Kian asked.

"It's unlikely. Our people have been monitoring Preston, and there haven't been any significant

developments. If Cora wanted to talk to him on the phone, she wouldn't have waited until now. It's clear

that she intends to meet him in person," Ayan analyzed calmly, his deep eyes filled with gravity.

The situation had now reached a point where he could no longer control it. Ayan could prevent anyone

else from intervening, but he couldn't stop Camille.

After finishing his explanation, Ayan fell silent. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. Kian

didn't disturb him and allowed him to rest.

In Hance City, Franklin Bay.

Camille didn't go to work today. She called Yessica in the morning and told her she needed a day off.

With her emotions in turmoil and unresolved issues on her mind, she didn't feel like doing anything.

However, Timmy still had to go to daycare as usual.

Camille didn't accompany the nanny to drop off Timmy at daycare. Instead, she instructed the nanny,

"After Timmy finishes his morning classes, take him back to the Simpson's mansion. There are many

new cars and toys there that he hasn't played with much. He's growing up, and he might lose interest in

them soon. I've already informed the chef at the Simpson's mansion. You can stay overnight there with


Facing Camille's arrangements, the nanny didn't ask further questions and simply nodded. She even

joked, "Are you planning to have some alone time with Ayan?"

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