My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 953: Adventure
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Chapter 953: Adventure

Chapter 953: Adventure

Camille hesitated for a moment and then said, "Yes."

His gaze was tender as he lightly squeezed her hand. His voice was low as he said, "You don't have to.

Stay here with Timmy, but don't ignore me, alright?"

"Alright," Camille nodded gently. Her gaze met Ayan's, and he gave her a faint smile before leaving

Franklin Bay.

Kian arranged the meeting at a club. By the time Ayan arrived, the others were already there. The four

of them sat on a couch, and Ayan took the initiative to project what Kian had received onto the screen

for the others to see.

He said, "Do any of you have any thoughts on this?"

Ayan's expression and tone weren't particularly friendly, especially his deep, dark eyes, which seemed

to be immersed in ancient tales for years, making it difficult for anyone to look at him directly.

With the appearance of Mr. Mikkola, Ayan's relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Bell had become somewhat

distant. So, the respect he had shown them in the past had faded.

So, without the previous respect he once showed to them, he now felt a pervasive sense of oppression.

Mr. Bell's expression also soured. His assistant had been with the internal design team when this

incident occurred, so he had been on the scene and had sent videos of the incident to Mr. Bell right


Mr. Bell furrowed his brow and said, "Mr. Simpson, we need your help to resolve this situation. Given

the circumstances, I think the most important thing right now is to appease the injured villagers. My

assistant and the project leader sent over by Simpson Group are already handling the situation. But the

other party is negotiating in this way, so I believe we should stabilize the situation first. At the very least,

we can't let this matter become public."

Mr. Bell's words were reasonable, and it was clear that he wasn't just saying them casually.

Ayan didn't respond immediately. After a brief silence, he spoke in a calm tone, "Mr. Bell, are you

suggesting that we appease the person negotiating with us?"

"Yes, my idea is just that. After all, this is the only way to control the situation from escalating," Mr. Bell


Ayan's expression was devoid of emotion, and his gaze was sharp. He asked, "Mr. Bell, do you think

that by negotiating favorable terms with the other party, you'll really get what you want?"

Mr. Bell's face twitched slightly, not understanding the meaning behind Ayan's words.

Mr. Mikkola had remained silent and had not expressed his stance all along. However, after Ayan's

words left Mr. Bell at a loss for words, Mr. Mikkola calmly spoke up, "Mr. Simpson, do you believe this

approach is unworkable?"

"Is it workable? If it were you, would you hand over everything completely after receiving the money?"

"Why wouldn't I? Since the objective has been achieved, shouldn't they give everything without

reservation? If they don't uphold their integrity in such matters, how can trust be built for the future?"

Mr. Mikkola's response carried an air of matter-of-factness. He didn't see this as a major issue,

believing that convincing the other party to hand over the things they desired, while giving them what

they wanted, would be the ideal outcome of cooperation.

However, Ayan had a different perspective from the start. He didn't believe that simply giving moneynovelbin

would guarantee the successful completion of the transaction. If it were just about the money, why did

they go through all the trouble of traveling to such a remote place?

Of course, there was a result to be achieved as well. By demanding a higher price when negotiating,

they could secure a satisfactory deal and then stop. But when it came to money, who would ever say

no to more?

And wasn't it likely that after succeeding this time, they would try again in the future? Even if it didn't

happen immediately, it was like a time bomb, with the potential to explode at any moment.

Ayan chuckled lightly, a hint of disbelief in his eyes. He said, "If it were me, I would never back down.

Instead, I'd use this incident as leverage, a long-term source of income. After all, you can't do anything

to me, and I would be free to do as I please. So, why should I fulfill the agreement? The things are in

my hands, and I can hold you hostage. I have nothing to fear."

Ayan was looking at the situation from the other party's perspective. If they were so easy to negotiate

with, this situation wouldn't have arisen in the first place. Even if it did, it wouldn't be so complicated.

Ayan's words left Mr. and Mrs. Bell in silence. They found themselves leaning towards Ayan's analysis

because it was the most straightforward and likely scenario.

However, Mr. Mikkola disagreed. He smiled and said, "Mr. Simpson, your thoughts are just your own.

Besides, you're not the one doing this. So, your assumptions are baseless. Moreover, you don't know

what kind of person the other party is, so how can you determine their intentions? I don't think this

matter is as difficult as you make it out to be."

Mr. Mikkola didn't seem too concerned. He viewed these people as petty troublemakers with envy

issues, creating problems for no good reason. As long as they could resolve the situation with money,

there would be no need to worry about any lingering issues. If they were to overreact or make a big

deal out of it themselves, they might end up complicating matters further.

Ayan and Mr. Mikkola had a fundamental difference in perspective. They both held their ground firmly.

Mr. Mikkola said, "Mr. Simpson, I understand your concerns, but I'm in charge of this project, and we've

signed an agreement. You don't have the right to object at this point. So, Mr. Simpson, I believe we

should proceed according to my plan."

Ayan didn't react much. His expression was cool, and he directed his gaze at Mr. and Mrs. Bell. In a

dispassionate tone, he asked, "Is that what both of you think too?"

While it might be tempting to follow Mr. Mikkola's advice and wash their hands of the situation, both Mr.

Mikkola and Mr. and Mrs. Bell were only tangentially connected to this project. They could walk away

from it without significant consequences. However, Ayan couldn't do that. Simpson Group was in

Hance City, and he was in Hance City. Any damage to Simpson Group's reputation would forever be

associated with the company, and no amount of effort could completely clear that stain. Therefore,

Ayan couldn't afford to take such a risk.

However, Mr. and Mrs. Bell's silence made it clear that they were leaning towards Mr. Mikkola's plan.

So, Ayan didn't want to continue arguing. He simply said, "Since you've made your decision, go ahead

with your plan. But let me make it clear from the beginning-if anything unexpected or uncontrollable

happens as a result of Mr. Mikkola's proposal, I... won't be responsible for it. Simpson Group won't

shoulder the blame either."

Mr. and Mrs. Bell exchanged glances and said in a measured tone, "Mr. Simpson, we appreciate your

good intentions, but for now, let's go with Mr. Mikkola's plan. After all, Modest Temple Hotel is preparing

to launch its publicity campaign. Making this matter too big at this time won't be advantageous for us."

Ayan didn't retort, only asking in an indifferent tone, "Your plans are your own business. You can do as

you please. However, I have one condition. If this matter turns out to be beneficial for you and you take

advantage of it, then fine. But if it becomes troublesome and causes complications, I ask that both of

you bear all the trouble together. How about that?"

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