My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 944: Hidden Secrets
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Chapter 944: Hidden Secrets

Chapter 944: Hidden Secrets

Eileen bit her lip gently, her voice slightly stiff and uneasy. However, she still mustered the courage to

reply, "Of course not."


"Ayan, everything I said is true. Although I've lied to you before, what I'm saying now is the truth. While

I can't really tell you what Preston is planning, I have no reason to lie about anything else."

Her words seemed to carry a note of excitement, her face tinged with a slight redness. Her eyes

betrayed her emotions, reflecting a hint of agitation. If seen by anyone nearby, this innocent

appearance would easily evoke belief. However, Ayan remained unmoved, his expression unchanged,

his voice still devoid of warmth as he said, "I had you come here to ask you this question privately

because I wanted to give you a chance. Your answer just now holds weight, and if you lie to me,

Eileen, you know how I can be."

"Ayan, I haven't lied."

"Alright, let's end this topic here. I've heard your answer." Ayan interrupted Eileen's words and no

longer looked at her pitiable expression. He shifted his gaze elsewhere, his voice colder, "Preston is

preparing to come to Hance. If he contacts you, tell me immediately, alright?"

Eileen's expression grew complex. Her eyes became more focused, but in the face of Ayan's request,novelbin

she naturally had no grounds to refuse. She simply nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Ayan didn't dwell further on Preston's matters. Instead, Eileen initiated a conversation, "Ayan, I've been

back for a while now. I want to know when you have time to help me with my work?"

Ayan only narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze serene without a hint of ripples. "Eileen, I believe

cooperation requires both sides to bring forth their utmost commitment and sincerity for it to proceed

smoothly. If one party invests more than the other, the cooperation will eventually crumble. What do

you think?"

Eileen's face stiffened; of course, she understood what Ayan meant by his words.

She lightly pursed her lips and softly asked, "Ayan, what kind of commitment and sincerity do you want

from me?"

"I'm not the one who wants your commitment and sincerity. But how great is your sincerity in

cooperating with me? If you're sincere, naturally, I won't let you suffer. Cooperation requires both

parties to work together; it's not about doing what the other side wants."

"I don't know what you want, so I can only ask you. If it's something I can do, I will certainly do it.

However... even if I wanted to tell you about Preston, I might be willing but unable. At the moment,

Preston is not in Hance. Even if he did come, he wouldn't contact me. After all, he knows that the

moment I returned, I would be looking for you."

No matter what Ayan said, Eileen always had an easy reply, going back and forth. Ayan felt his

patience wane. His face grew colder, and his voice turned devoid of warmth, "Is that so? Well, take

your time to think about it. Let me know when you're ready to show your sincerity, and we'll begin our


"Ayan!" Eileen's eyes welled up with tears. With no job and limited options, her goal of returning to

Hance seemed to slip further away. She couldn't remain passive any longer.

However, Ayan didn't want to listen any longer. He said calmly, "Eileen, take your time to consider. Let

me know your answer once you've made up your mind."

After this declaration, Ayan got up and called Kian into the office room. He instructed Kian to take

Eileen back to the hotel.

That's right, taking Eileen back to the hotel. The reason was that Eileen had been staying at the hotel

for quite some time now, which was inconvenient. Therefore, Ayan specially arranged for a house maid

to take care of Eileen. Taking advantage of today, he had the maid accompany Eileen to the hotel. Her

room had been upgraded to a fully-equipped suite.

With such a well-dressed explanation, Eileen had no opportunity or grounds to refuse.

After leaving Simpson Group, Eileen sat in the car, her mind preoccupied. The car was still driven by

Kian. Since they had to pick up the maid, they didn't head straight to the hotel. Instead, they went to the

mansion that Ayan and Camille had lived in before. The maid had taken care of Ayan and Camille for a

long time, and naturally, she had seen Eileen before.

However, the maid had only received the notice recently and hadn't had time to pack. She had brought

only two changes of clothes.

After getting in the car, the cook greeted Eileen, "Miss Khan, it's been a while."

Eileen forced a smile, nodding slightly without intending to say much.

The maid didn't press further and directed her gaze at Kian, who began to instruct her about her duties.

She would be responsible for Eileen's three meals a day. He also specially said, "Miss Khan is Mr.

Simpson's esteemed guest. Please take good care of her."

"Kian, rest assured. I won't let Mr. Simpson down." The maid nodded and responded.

Eileen sat quietly in the back seat, listening without expressing any opinions. She had no right to voice

any objections; she could only silently accept everything that was arranged for her.

Once they returned to the hotel, Kian helped arrange the new suite. The suite included a small living

room connected to an open kitchen and dining area. There was a master bedroom and a guest

bedroom, each equipped with its own bathroom. Everything was meant to ensure convenience and


After making all the arrangements, Kian escorted Eileen and the cook to their respective rooms before


Kian returned to Simpson Group and reported everything truthfully to Ayan. He also shared his

observations, saying, "Mr. Simpson, I feel that Eileen seems a bit uneasy. It's as if she's hiding


Ayan cast a faint glance at Kian; naturally, he had noticed too. That's why he had been so

straightforward and clear with his words, letting Eileen know that if she wanted benefits from him, she

needed to show sincerity; otherwise, there was no chance.

Ayan remained silent, his expression colder than usual.

Kian asked softly, "Mr. Simpson, why aren't you saying anything?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly. "I believe she would be abnormal if she weren't hiding something. My

guess is that Preston has already come to Hance. He might have even met her."

"So, is that why you arranged for a maid to keep an eye on her?"

"That was originally just for putting surveillance in her room. However, if Preston decides not to find her

in her room and meets her elsewhere, we won't be aware of it. By having the maid watch her, we can

keep track of how many times she goes out in a day."

He could have simply assigned someone to discreetly monitor Eileen, but the person in the shadows

now was Preston. His arrangement might be detected by Preston, and he would be led by Preston if

that happened. Thus, he preferred to monitor Eileen directly.

Preston was running out of options. While he had convinced Louise's parents not to pursue the matter

further, Simpson Group's charges against him hadn't been dropped. Thus, he had no choice but to rely

on Eileen. After all, besides her, who would care about him?

After Ayan met Eileen alone, he was very straightforward with Camille about it when he returned to

Franklin Bay that evening.

Camille didn't show much reaction upon hearing this. There was no response at all; she merely

glanced at him with indifference.

Ayan grew anxious and hurriedly reached out to pull her closer. He whispered, "Don't be angry, okay? I

had her come to Simpson Group to see if she had contacted Preston."

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