My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 937: In The Spotlight
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Chapter 937: In The Spotlight

Chapter 937: In the Spotlight

Preston kept pondering over it, but the more he thought, the less he understood. He was too excited

and nervous. With such an incident occurring, it was difficult for him to calm down, let alone control


He pondered for a long time and immediately called Molly.

However, Molly wasn't the one who answered the phone; it was a stranger. "Hello, is there something

you need?"novelbin

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Preston furrowed his brows tightly. He assumed it was a servant from the

Walker family or one of Molly's friends. He asked, "Where's Molly?"

"Molly? Who's that?"

The other party clearly answered with a question.

Preston's mood was already bad, and at this moment, he was becoming agitated. "Stop pretending.

Where's the owner of this phone? Who are you?"

"Why are you being aggressive? I found this phone. How would I know where the owner is? If you're

the owner, come to the airport to pick it up." The other person was equally exasperated and muttered,

"You find a lost phone and still act so hostile. What's the deal? Do you want it or not? If not, I'll just

leave it at the airport."

Upon hearing this, Preston's expression slightly eased. Before the person could hang up, he quickly

asked, "You found the phone at the airport? When did you find it?"

"About an hour or two ago, I don't remember the exact time. So, are you coming to get this phone?"

Preston remained silent, and after several more confirmations, the other party still received no

response. Ultimately, the call was disconnected.

At this moment, Preston suddenly understood-perhaps this had all been premeditated?

His face couldn't be described as anything but unsightly, and his eyes were filled with a cold and

ruthless intent. A fiery anger seemed on the verge of eruption within his chest.

Very well, very well.

These two words echoed in his mind.

His emotions were completely overtaken by his lack of composure at the moment. He couldn't calm

down, and the situation was escalating. He hadn't yet formulated a sufficient plan to resolve the matter.

Just then, another voice appeared online.

It was a video recording made by Molly herself.

She addressed everyone, saying, "I'm currently on a plane heading overseas. I've seen what's

circulating online. In fact, I've known for a long time that he had someone else by his side. But I don't

blame Miss Reid. It's not your fault; he deceived you and me. However, I can't forgive you either. After

all, it has caused me harm."

Molly recounted the years she had spent with Preston, from the beginning to the present, highlighting

her foolishness that had led to this deceitful relationship. She emphasized that she was the one who

had invested emotions from start to finish. Preston hadn't shown any affection toward her.

She had realized her mistake and didn't want to continue. She wanted to cut her losses.

Apart from discussing her deception by Preston, Molly also mentioned Preston's name change and

what he did before changing his name. She even spoke about his actions toward Louise via as a

partner of the museum project. Although she didn't present solid evidence tying Preston to these

actions, being close to him and coupled with Sean's earlier allegations, the suspicion around him grew


When Preston saw Molly's video, his entire being was filled with an icy chill. With a twisted expression,

he roared, "Molly, you despicable woman! Deceptive schemer, right?"

Preston had lost control of his emotions, like a wild beast gone mad.

If Molly were before him at this moment, he probably would've strangled her.

Currently, he couldn't find Molly or Luke and Naomi. Even though he knew Molly had prepared in

advance, he hadn't anticipated this level of preparation.

So, everything she had shown him was all a ruse, wasn't it?

The video spread quickly, so much so that the police in Hance City immediately contacted the police in

Flento to initiate an investigation into Preston.

This seemed to be within Preston's expectations, as he had left his apartment before the police arrived.

The police tried to contact him by phone, but they couldn't get through. This solidified their suspicions

about Preston's guilt. Otherwise, why would he be evading them?

In a short time, the police's suspicions about Preston grew stronger. After multiple consultations, they

decided to arrest him. Catching Preston was reasonable since finding him was the only way to uncover

what had truly transpired.

Moreover, Preston's involvement in Simpson Group's previous projects was undeniable, considering

the irrefutable evidence. He had only evaded capture by changing his name; otherwise, he would have

been arrested long ago.

So, the police's intention to apprehend Preston was justifiable. The police released a message through

the media, saying, "If anyone has any information or leads about Preston, as long as it is confirmed to

be genuine and effective after our verification, we will provide rewards."

Offering rewards for information incentivized people to come forward. Some passionate youths took it

upon themselves to participate in the pursuit and began a thorough search of the places Preston had

frequented before.

This carpet search for any leads pushed Preston into a corner, depriving him of even a moment to

catch his breath. Now, he was hiding in an apartment of less than 90 square meters, where his

assistant informed him of the situation outside.

The assistant said, "Mr. Walker, there are people searching for you everywhere outside. I'm afraid

they'll start going door-to-door soon. This can't go on forever. You must leave Flento as soon as

possible; otherwise, they'll find you."

Preston sat in a chair, smoking a cigarette. The smoke veiled his face, but in just a day, he had aged

significantly. He remained silent for a long time, not lifting his head until a cigarette extinguished. He

looked at his assistant and said in a voice devoid of warmth, "Find out which country they have gone to

in Walker Group for me, and compile the vulnerabilities of the companies I asked you to collect that had

long cooperation histories with Walker Group."

The assistant didn't know what Preston was planning, but he nodded and agreed, "Alright, I'll go to the

company this afternoon to compile these things. But... when do you plan to leave? I'm worried..."

"No rush," Preston replied indifferently, adding, "Even if I wanted to leave now, I can't. I'll wait until the

storm passes."

The assistant nodded and left without saying more. He needed to return to the company and couldn't

stay at home for long.

After the assistant returned to Walker Group, he organized the information Preston had asked for and

emailed it to Preston's private email. This email was known only to him and Preston, making it secure.

As for Preston's situation, Walker Group was naturally abuzz with discussion. The assistant listened,

unable to offer any retorts. However, he couldn't help feeling anxious and fearful in his heart.

Preston had no news at the moment, and Kian was the first to inform Ayan about the situation in

Flento. Kian was still in Flento City, but he was on a private trip, so only a few people were aware of it.

Kian asked Preston in a hushed tone, "Mr. Simpson, given the current situation, could Preston escape

again like he did last time?"

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