My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 931: Putting On A Show
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Chapter 931: Putting On A Show

Chapter 931: Putting on a Show

Simpson Group's CEO office. Kian posed the same question, "Mr. Simpson, how can Preston clear up

the misconception that he didn't betray his fiancée?"

Ayan responded calmly, "That's his business, not something we should concern ourselves with."

Kian nodded understandingly. He was just curious, after all, Preston must be feeling quite restless now,

like ants on a hot plate.

If this matter were proven true, while it might not affect the projects he's involved in, it could still cast anovelbin

negative shadow in front of Molly and the Walker family, right?

At the moment, Preston probably didn't want to completely sever ties with the Walker family, especially

Molly. He still needed Molly as a potential lifeline.

So, Ayan had a clear grasp of Preston's intentions.

Given the magnitude of this issue , there couldn't possibly be no reaction from Quintus and Cora. Thus,

they needed to keep a close eye on them.

Ayan instructed Kian to monitor the situation closely and contact him immediately if anything arose.

Ayan cautioned, "Don't underestimate them. We were negligent to let Cora escape from the psychiatric

hospital. We've learned our lesson once, let's not repeat it."

"Mr. Simpson, I'll be cautious and careful."

"Good. Prioritize safety to avoid being caught off guard."


Kian nodded, then his gaze shifted back to Ayan. He whispered, "Mr. Simpson, should we have Zoie

return to Hance as soon as possible?"

"No need. Since Molly has already reached out to her, it proves that she's in a safe situation. After all,

she needs to stay and finish this performance with Preston. How can Preston pull it off alone?"

After Kian left the room, Ayan rose and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. He lit a cigarette, took a

drag, and his expression revealed a touch of detachment. He hadn't shared his thoughts with anyone.

He knew that a storm of bloodshed and turmoil was on the horizon. Whether it would be raging waves

or an impenetrable forest of mist behind it remained an unknown.

But he was certain that whether it was the former or the latter, it would be a formidable battle.

Preston had bided his time for so long, waiting for the moment both he and the Simpson family would

fall together. He must have prepared many things for himself to uncover, proactively plunging into

danger. But Ayan was prepared, ready to overcome any challenges. He couldn't afford to lose – he had

Camille, Timmy, every individual of the Simpson family, his friends, and the entire Simpson Group.

Ayan took a silent breath, his deep eyes betraying a trace of cold determination.

He stood like that for a while until the phone on his desk, resting in silence, finally rang, breaking the


He walked over, picked up the phone, and glanced at the caller's name. His expression softened.

He answered, "Hello!"

"Still not done with your work?" It was almost dinner time, and usually, Ayan would have returned by

this point. However, today, he hadn't appeared, prompting Camille to make the call.

Ayan chuckled softly, "So, are you calling to check up on me?"

"I'm just asking if you're having dinner. If you're not eating, Timmy and I will go ahead. We won't wait for


"Can't you just go along with what I say and make me happy?"


"Really heartless." He sounded somewhat aggrieved. Camille, on the other hand, remained unmoved,

refusing to cooperate. He continued, "I'll be back soon. Will you wait for me?"

"Yeah." Her tone was nonchalant. Just before hanging up, she added, "Drive safely."

"Sure." Ayan's lips curved into a gentle smile, his face softened.

Later that evening, around seven o'clock, Ayan returned to Franklin Bay. He had dinner with Camille

and then informed her, "I need to handle some work in my study for about an hour. Once I'm done, I'll

be with you."

"Sure, take your time." Camille found this quite reasonable. After all, they had both worked the whole

day, and they didn't necessarily need to spend every moment together after work. It was good to have

some personal space too.

Though she didn't voice it out loud, she knew that if she did, Ayan would surely press her for an

answer. Was she getting tired of him?

As Ayan went to his study, Camille accompanied Timmy to Sienna's house next door, using the

opportunity to help Sienna adjust to her role as a mother. It would be better for Sienna to get used to it

earlier, so she wouldn't panic once her own child arrived. Otherwise, she might become reluctant to

have children and lose her sense of security.

Unaware that Camille had left, Ayan's full attention was on the computer screen in front of him. A live

broadcast was underway from Flento City.

The host appeared on screen and briefly introduced the purpose and content of the live stream.

As previously announced, the live stream attracted numerous viewers, and the comments section was

flooded with messages scrolling by too fast to read.

At precisely 7:20, along with the host's introduction, another voice joined the broadcast.

The host said, "After the rampant online rumors, Miss Walker and Mr. Walker have decided to clarify

the truth behind the video through a live audio stream. Due to Miss Walker's pregnancy, she won't be

appearing on camera. But don't worry, we are the media and can vouch for the authenticity of all parties


To ensure credibility, Preston had Zoie recount the places they had visited together. He also obtained

videos from the cafés they had frequented before, which were then presented during the live stream.

All three individuals explained their perspectives, and their accounts matched Preston's version of


Their interactions were straightforward and transparent, devoid of complications.

This clear-cut explanation left no room for doubt, and even skeptics found it difficult to dispute.

Of course, this was Preston's perspective.

The journalists in the comments section selected a few direct and incisive questions for the individuals


"Is it true that Miss Reid and Mr. Walker are only in a professional partnership? If so, why were they

seen together so intimately at the hotel?"

Preston replied confidently, "I've already addressed this question. Miss Reid and I are business

partners, and she's relatively new to Flento. Since she's not familiar with the city, there shouldn't be any

issues with her being accompanied by me, her work partner."

Preston couldn't help but laugh. "Even if it's just a friendly companionship, it's being labeled as betrayal

to my fiancée. Are we not allowed to meet with friends in private anymore? Even for work purposes?

Just because it's easy to misconstrue."

Preston's response was candid and natural, leaving no room for criticism.

Not just Preston, Molly and Zoie also cooperated seamlessly, each echoing Preston's answers.

Their cooperation was impeccable.

Each person's response was flawless, and no words could be found to poke holes in their explanations.

Yet, Preston overlooked a critical point – sometimes, the more perfectly orchestrated a performance

was, the more it could seem overly contrived.

At that moment, however, Preston was immersed in his sense of accomplishment and didn't consider

any other issues.

To silence netizens and gossip-hungry journalists, Preston had Molly also speak up. She said, "Online

rumors are affecting our private lives. We hope everyone will be considerate and refrain from spreading

baseless rumors or unfounded accusations. We are planning our wedding and would appreciate

everyone's well-wishes."

Preston continued, "If someone attempts again to harm my loved ones for the sake of attacking me, I

will take legal action."

Here, the emphasis was on "someone."

These two words essentially confirmed that someone was deliberately targeting Preston, leading to the

release of the video featuring him and Zoie.

Viewers in the livestream's comments section began speculating and discussing fervently. Some were

logical and rational. The commented:

"Am I the only one who feels like this is all staged?"

"Host, if you've been bribed, just blink your eyes!"

"I wonder if the fiancée's eyes are blinded?"

And amidst these various opinions, a few level-headed individuals commented:

"Am I the only one who feels like this is all staged?"

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