My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 857: Independence
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Chapter 857: Independence

Chapter 857: Independence

Camille's face appeared somewhat puzzled as she met Ayan's gaze. The furrow between her

eyebrows was so pronounced. She softly asked Ayan, "Is it possible that Eileen and Preston are

actually brother and sister?"

After she finished speaking, Ayan's eyes also stiffened slightly. A coldness flickered between his brows,

and his voice slowly rang out, "brother and sister?"

"Hmm, is that a possibility? After all, it's not so easy for two people from the same orphanage to know

each other living in different cities. The distance between them seems too great, right?"

Camille picked up Ayan's words and continued, saying that she had this idea and thought when Ayan

mentioned that Sean and Preston were cousins.

Perhaps this was the most convincing possibility?

After all, two siblings who were both in the same orphanage and then adopted by different families-it

wasn't impossible for the older sister or brother to search for their younger sibling later on, right?

However, this kind of thing did sound somewhat dramatic. But if a particular condition couldn't be found

for a long time, then it was impossible for it to happen. If it did happen, it must be because the right

opportunity hadn't been found yet, not because it didn't exist.

Camille silently looked at Ayan, waiting for his response because she wasn't sure if her thoughts were

true or not.

Until she figured it out, everything would remain unknown.

Ayan also fell silent for a moment. He squinted his eyes, his facial expression changing, and a

profound and unfathomable glimmer appeared in his gaze. His voice slowly sounded, "It could be

possible. After all, only people with the same goal can ensure that nobody betrays them midway, right?"

He seemed to be speaking to Camille, but he was actually reassuring himself that this possibility

indeed had the potential to exist and was more reliable than any other guess.

If Preston and Eileen were deeply in love with each other, then their feelings could rupture, especially

with Preston's messy relationships with women. He had both Molly and Zoie. Even if he did that to fight

the Simpson family, could Eileen truly remain indifferent to it?

Based on his understanding of Eileen, she would never be able to do that.

So, that possibility was ruled out.

If it was just about money, this possibility would be even more unreliable. Money wasn't about who had

money, but who had the most money. After all, there was always someone richer, even Ayan dared not

say that no one could be wealthier than him.

So, such a relationship was also unreliable.

But what if they were brother ans sister?

Wouldn't that explain everything?

As these thoughts surged in his mind, he became more and more convinced.

After he finished speaking, Camille softly murmured in agreement, her expression still warm. She said,

"You can investigate in that direction. If it's true, it can also eliminate their intentions against the

Simpson family."

Speaking up to this point, Camille also felt some complex emotions rising in her heart. She continued,

"Ayan, if Preston has been strategizing for so long just to go against the Simpson family, does that

mean there's a huge grudge between him and the Simpson family? Otherwise, how could he be so

obsessed that he's willing to sacrifice everything, including his future, to fight against a massive

corporation and an unshakable family?"

Camille kept her gaze fixed on Ayan, her eyes never leaving him for a second. There was a clear

sense of worry and confusion in her eyes.

She couldn't understand what kind of situation could drive Preston to such extremes.

She pressed her lips together, her expression unusually subdued.

Similarly, this was something that had always intrigued Ayan.

He voiced his thoughts, and it was the first time they had been so open and honest about this matter,

without any concealment. He even shared with Camille how he attempted to probe the old Simpson

and Fletcher.

Initially, he hadn't chosen to tell Camille for a simple reason-to prevent her from worrying or

overthinking, and he didn't want to burden her with Preston's matters. Camille had mentioned that she

and Preston had been friends for many years, and although Preston had done many things she

couldn't understand or approve of, he had helped her, and that was something she couldn't forget. So

Ayan didn't want to put Camille in a difficult position, which was why he hadn't told her about his secret

investigations and moves.

But now, Camille's analysis made him realize the significant change she had undergone in this matter.

This change didn't mean that she no longer considered Preston a friend, but rather that she had made

a decision in her heart.

Ayan could sense this clearly, so he had nothing to hide.

Regarding the old Simpson and Fletcher, Camille's face also showed concern. She said, "From

Grandpa's reaction, it doesn't seem like nothing ever happened."

Ayan didn't show any expression or response. A faint stiffness flickered in his eyes. Camille continued,

"I don't mean that Grandpa is intentionally hiding something or that he really did something related to


"I know what you mean. That's how I see it too, which is why I had Dad probe Grandpa discreetly. But

there weren't any significant results." Ayan stood up from the sofa and walked to the water dispenser.

He poured a glass of water and handed it to Camille. Then he said softly, "This matter can only be

investigated gradually until Preston voluntarily reveals all the reasons behind it."novelbin

"Yeah, it seems that's the only way." Camille nodded in agreement, taking water and taking a small sip.

They discussed this topic for quite a while before finally moving on.

Ayan knew that finding the answer from Preston seemed somewhat challenging. So, the focus should

probably start with Eileen and continue to probe from there.

However, he was currently in Dane City, and he had to deal with the matters there before returning to

Hance City to take action regarding Preston. Besides, Preston was currently occupied and couldn't be

distracted. Ayan could temporarily handle the affairs in Dane first before making plans to return to


Early the next morning, Kian arrived at the hotel room with the suit Ayan would wear for the opening

ceremony. Accompanying him was an image designer and the host of the opening ceremony, along

with their assistant.

Ayan was already naturally handsome, and he didn't need any deliberate grooming to stand out.

However, for an occasion like today, some minor touch-ups were necessary, such as hairstyling. The

designer quickly styled Ayan's hair in his usual fashion. Meanwhile, the host stood by, confirming the

steps and content of Ayan's speech when he would be on stage. Ayan listened quietly without any


The host was a bit unsure of his intention, so he looked at Kian and asked in a low voice, "Mr.

Simpson, is there anything that needs to be modified?"

Ayan responded calmly, "For now, it's fine. I'll let you know if I think of anything."

Kian nodded.

At that moment, the designer finished the styling. They only needed to change clothes before heading

out. Kian was preparing to leave with them when suddenly, the door to the room opened from the

inside. All eyes turned in that direction and saw a drowsy woman standing at the doorway. Her hair was

disheveled, and her fair and smooth face looked beautiful even without any makeup.

She was wearing pajamas, and although nothing inappropriate was exposed, the sight of everyone

facing each other froze her instantly. Before anyone could react, she swiftly closed the door.

Ayan's gaze also shifted to the four people, and there was a hint of reminder and warning in his eyes,

as if to say, "Remember what should and shouldn't be said and keep it in mind!"

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