My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 847: Shift
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Chapter 847: Shift

Chapter 847: Shift

This news also reached Austin at the first possible moment. When Jeremiah informed Austin of it, he

was in the midst of a pool party with a bunch of friends, surrounded by beautiful women, and the

atmosphere was lively.

So, when Jeremiah called, Austin was somewhat unhappy because he had been interrupted.

Naturally, his tone towards Jeremiah wasn't going to be pleasant. He asked indifferently, "Can't it wait

until I finish enjoying myself?"

Jeremiah hesitated for a moment, then after careful consideration, he decided to speak up. "Mr.

Norman, it concerns you, so you better come out quickly. I'm waiting for you at the entrance."

Austin's mood instantly soured. His face immediately darkened, and he pushed away the woman in his

arms, got up from the pool, and coldly asked, displeased, "What's the matter? Just spit it out, don't beat

around the bush."

Jeremiah's expression also stiffened. He wished to speak in front of Austin, as it would be better to

address this matter face-to-face. However, Austin's attitude was firm. If he went straight into the pool

party at this moment, everyone would probably find out, and that wouldn't be good for him. After all,

Austin still cared about his image.

After much hesitation, Jeremiah spoke in a low voice, "Mr. Norman, someone in the company's internal

group has leaked the information about your long-term illegal collaborations under the guise of Norman

Group projects, including money laundering..."

Jeremiah's voice grew quieter as he continued speaking. In truth, he knew in his heart whether what

Austin had done was true or false. Although he hadn't been directly involved because Austin had kept

him in the dark, he had been by Austin's side for many years. He had some sense of anticipation and

intuition about certain things.

After informing Austin about what had happened in the company's internal group, there was silence on

Austin's end for a long time. The atmosphere was extremely quiet, and Jeremiah dared not say

anything, holding his breath as he awaited Austin's reaction.

Austin's face suddenly turned rigid and cold. The woman who had just come out of his embrace saw

him emerging from the water and quickly walked over, holding a robe to cover him, and reaching out to

hug him. However, she was frightened by Austin's expression.

The woman asked with concern, "Mr. Norman, what's wrong?"

Austin remained silent. His brows furrowed tightly, his face extremely cold and grim, exuding a hint of

anger. He said in a chilling voice, "Fxxk off!"

The woman was instantly at a loss, but she still maintained a smile and said, "Mr. Norman, you were

just holding me. Why do you seem like a different person now?"

The woman's voice wasn't too loud or too soft, but the people around happened to overhear.

The people present were all familiar with Austin, so several men who were standing nearby

immediately spoke up, asking, "What's wrong with Austin? Is it because the girl didn't serve him well?

When it comes to women, just get a new one, problem solved!"

After these men spoke, they couldn't help but burst into laughter. The woman standing in front of Austin

instantly fell silent, her expression stiff. Finally, she walked away, not daring to utter another word to


Only then did Austin calmly say to Jeremiah on the phone, "I'm coming out now."

He hung up the phone, quickly got dressed, and when his friends saw him about to leave, they

exclaimed, "Austin, you're leaving? We're having a great time. What are we going to do without you?"

Since Austin was paying for most of the gathering, this pool party had invited many internet celebrities,

and the cost was not insignificant.

Although they were all wealthy playboys in the same circle, nobody had as much money as Austin, and

nobody wanted to waste their money like that.

Austin glanced at everyone with cold eyes and said indifferently, "You can't live without me?"

After hearing his words and seeing his expression, everyone fell silent, and it wasn't until Austin walked

away that they coldly scoffed, "If you can't afford it, then don't ever start it!"

But Austin didn't care about their comments at all because what was happening now was a thousand

times more important than their opinions.

Austin came out of the pool party, and Jeremiah's car was already waiting at the entrance. When Austin

came out, Jeremiah immediately got out of the driver's seat and opened the back door for him.

With a stern face, Austin got into the car, and Jeremiah quickly got into the driver's seat and started the

engine, driving away.

Austin's voice was deep as he asked, "Have you found out who's behind all this?"

Jeremiah replied, "I've asked the company's technical department to investigate, but the IP address is

not domestic, so it's not that easy to trace."

"Since they were able to access the company's internal group, it must be someone within the company.

Screen each person, we must find out who it is."

Austin's emotions were running high. With such a significant event, he couldn't just sit still.

Jeremiah nodded to indicate that he understood, then asked, "Mr. Norman, what should we do next?

This news has already spread from the internal group, and it will likely hit the trending topics by

tomorrow morning at the latest."

It was evening now, and it was after working hours. The staff of Twitter and online forums had gone off

duty, so the news wouldn't spread as quickly during this time. But for such a major event, sometimes it

didn't require any personnel arrangements and would naturally become a hot topic.

Leaning back in his seat with a somber face, Austin remained silent. His face was covered in a shroud

of darkness.

After a long moment of solemn silence, Austin finally spoke in a calm tone, "Are there any updates onnovelbin

Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya?"

"No, they should have just found out about this as well. Since it happened in the employee group, most

of the higher-ups are not present. The HR department asked me if they should dissolve the group."

"Of course not. Dissolving the group would imply that we admit it. That would be shooting ourselves in

the foot. We absolutely can't do that."

Austin immediately refusedf. He couldn't let this matter be confirmed.

However, when he saw the screenshots from the HR department on Jeremiah's phone, he became

even more uneasy.

The conversations, along with the photos and evidence in the screenshots, were from things he had

personally handled.

These things had never been shown to anyone else, so where did the person who leaked this

information come from?

Austin immediately spoke to Jeremiah, "Have you prepared what I asked for earlier?"

Jeremiah nodded, "It's ready."

"Then release the news immediately, right away. Being one step ahead is the only way to shift the

attention away from us." Austin's composure was starting to crumble, so he immediately instructed

Jeremiah to release the evidence he had prepared, which framed Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya as the

ones involved in illegal activities. Austin claimed he knew nothing and had no connection to it.

After releasing this news, Austin also paid for a group of internet trolls.

Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya were immediately pushed onto the trending topics, and the employees of

Norman Group saw the news. However, some employees compared the evidence released in the

internal group and felt that something seemed off. As a result, some employees couldn't resist creating

anonymous accounts and sharing the content from the internal group.

Discussions erupted everywhere. Which part was true and which part was false?

Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya chose to go directly to the police, hoping for an investigation and justice.

Austin, upon receiving this news, became even more flustered. He thought Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya

would be scared and at a loss, so how could they choose to go to the police? After all, how could they

report such a matter? They had always been afraid of such situations. Why did they change this time?

Austin couldn't find an answer. As the person in charge of Norman Group, if the company's two

second-largest shareholders encountered a problem and chose to report it to the police, as the person

in charge, he naturally needed to assist with the investigation.

The police called him directly, and Austin cooperated verbally. After ending the call, he immediately

said to Jeremiah, "Prepare a ticket for me to leave the country. I want to leave now. Check the fastest

flight departure times."

Jeremiah asked, "Mr. Norman, if you leave now, won't it confirm that you're involved? The police just

want you to assist with the investigation. They haven't placed all the blame on you. Are you sure you

want to leave?"

Austin's expression grew more uncertain. He thought for a moment before finally saying, "Prepare

everything as I instructed. We can't afford any mistakes. I need to leave immediately."

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